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before castiel knew it, dean vanished right in front of him, just like dust in the wind. 

his whole world felt like it was crumbling, drowning the angel in complete sorrow. 

"come on castiel. lets go find somewhere to sit. he could come back, after all." crowley nods, walking to the direction of the impala, following the others.

he can only pray that his love comes back. over and over again. repeating the prayer in his head until he becomes nauseous, the only action he can make until they arrive to the next destination.

"the lazy shag." crowley exclaims before the car comes to a complete stop, immediately leaving the others behind when he exits the vehicle. castiel catches a glimpse of a man leading a group, holding a battered wooden sign reading "the end is near."

he tries to look away but he simply cant. the sign is right. the light and the darkness is being destroyed as we know it. love will be lost. humanity will be destroyed. Dean, will be destroyed. castiels purpose will be forever lost in the atmosphere, and he just cant fathom a world in which the hunter doesn't exist. 

sam nudges the angel to follow the group, and he shakes his thought with tears in his eyes, and watches sams boots to direct him in the right place. 

"one little apocalypse and they shut up shop. quitters." crowley laughs at the 'closed' sign on the door before swinging it open with a motion of his finger. the group once again follows him, walking into a dingy bar type of restaurant. the brick wall clashed with the grey carpet that was laid on the floors, the pool tables and the bar was within reaching distance, and there were multiple barely working television sets above the bar. its a bar dean would've adored.

as the time passed, castiel just stood next to sam quietly while rowena and her son just sat, drinking whatever they can get their hands on and looking up at the tv.

"and while law enforcement is telling people not to panic, residents are being advised to stay in their homes as authorities are baffled by this st—" the man on the tv informs before being muted by the demon. "boring."

castiel looks quickly to his right, noticing how pale chuck has become. he whispers "he looks horrible" to sam before moving and sitting in a chair from across the room.  he leans his head against the cold wall, as he begins to shed tears.

waiting is so painful, and silence is truly deafening, awaiting his hunter to return.

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