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dean and castiel get into the impala and drive off to enjoy privacy with one another while sam stays with crowley, rowena and chuck, attempting to come up with ideas.

dean's scratched hand rests on the angels' thigh, as castiel turns to stare at his lover.

after listening to the same songs over and over again, dean breaks the beautiful silence.

"how're you doing?" he pauses, clearing his throat. "you good?"

castiel just looks down in response.

"honey, i mean, you know, the whole Lucifer thing"

"i was just, so stupid" cas sighs, looking at the scenery through the windshield in front of him.

"no, no, no. it wasn't stupid." dean consoled, moving their intertwined hands closer to him. his warmth and castiel's coldness felt almost comforting together. cas's presence alone reassured the hunter that things will be okay, and even if things won't, his angel will still be there for him through life or death and he finds something about that, very peaceful.

finishing his sentence, he looks at castiel with loving eyes. "you were right. you were right to let Lucifer ride shotgun. me and sam wouldn't have done that."

"well it didn't work"

dean pulls over to the side of the road and turns his body to face his boyfriend. "no, but it was our best shot. and you stepped up"

"i was just trying to help" the angel stuttered slightly, automatically being pulled into a hug. dean knows when he's about to cry, and it's a painful sight for him.

"you do help, sweetheart" dean whispers, holding on.

the sound of Nights In White Satin by the Moody Blues fills the atmosphere as the boyfriends hum along to the tune, slightly rocking back and forth to the rhythm.

dean stays in place as castiel lays his head on his chest. "you know, sometimes me and sam have got so much going on that...we forget about everyone else"

castiel smiles at his boyfriend, looking out the window once again. "well, you do live exciting lives"

"yeah, that's one word for it" dean backs away, looking at the angels' bright blue eyes as they hold hands once again. "but you're always there, ya know? you're the best friend we ever had." he pauses, moving his hands to castiel's face to feel his soft and beautiful features. he sings along to their song, watching a blush appear on castiel's face. he could watch him blush for hours on end.

in a moment of seriousness, he admired the boy next to him.

"i love you cas,
i want you to know that"

all castiel does is kiss his boyfriend for the first time.

finally hearing those words made it feel like nothing else mattered. despite all the bad things heading their way, castiel just wants to stay in his embrace forever. the more seconds they're near one another, the more they hopelessly fall in love.

"i love you too" he whispers, a single tear of relief trailing down his face.

nights in white satin | deancasWhere stories live. Discover now