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trembling, castiel and the hunter arise from where they were seated and gets ready to join the others in the main room once again. never taking his gaze away from his love, dean wipes the last tear from cas' cheek and kisses his forehead as a sign of endearment.

"i love you."

castiel just gives a weak smile in response and guides them both out of the long hallways, hearing their small conversations and whispers from the others as rowena practices the spell.

entering the war room once again, castiel lets go of deans hand and steps to the side, laying his body weight in the chair next to sam, covering his eyes. he cant bare to see the pain that dean will eventually have to endure.

after seconds of silence, rowena exclaims "sine mora surgatis" as a bright form of electricity flies and hits dean in the chest, making him bend over and groan in pain. though the angel isnt watching this happen,  his heart breaks at every tear that falls from deans eyes, until the room goes silent once again.

castiel rushes to his side and pulls dean into his arms, gripping the back of his neck to pull him closer. "dean, are you okay? how do you feel?"

the boy in the flannel painfully attempts to catch his breath, turning his head towards castiels. "like my insides just got flame-broiled."

he moves his head once again, this time to look at rowena.

"is that normal?"

she walks closer, patting the boys on the shoulder. "sweetie, we're so far past normal. you've got about an hour, maybe a wee bit more, then youre literally a walking ticking time bomb."

dean lets his tears fall harder and castiel can only grip tighter. the idea of losing the love of his life is just too much for him to even imagine. nothing would've ever prepared him for this.

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