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"so what's next?" castiel asks, pulling out a chair next to sam, and sitting down while looking at sam's work. sam just closes his laptop and scoots it away from his own reach, getting tired of the brightness from the screen.

"what do you mean, what's next? you know what's next if we don't fix this cas." dean spits out, sitting on the table across from the angel.

"dean, i think what he's saying is, is that there was the dangerous fog amara let out that killed many people and then with lucifer in castiel's vessel, there's only so much left to do." sam replies, laying his head in-between his hands.

"actually, i've only pushed lucifer down far enough so i can regain consciousness for myself. he can still come out, but now he needs my permission. granted he's more powerful than i am, im only going to let him out during fight after the whole apologetic thing with him and god."

at the sound of Castiel saying his name, chuck walks out of one of the bunker bedrooms and into the room where the boys are sitting.

"the angel said my name, so here i am"  chuck mumbles under his breath, holding a cold cup of coffee that was sitting out on his nightstand from the night prior.

"we're trying to figure this out. we know you don't want to kill your sister but how else is this going to end?" dean scoffs, not meaning to piss off god. but let's be real, it's inevitable.

chuck just takes another sip of his cold coffee and tries not to gag from the disgusting aftertaste. "we could try to just put her back in the box"

"what?" dean rolls his eyes. he doesn't understand why after everything amara has done to destroy chuck's creation, he doesn't just kill her and get it over with.

chuck hears this thought and explains himself. "amara’s been caged for billions of years, but y’know, she was always there. she had to be there. y’know, yin and yang. dark and light. there’s a harmony, a balance, in the universe. light needs dark. dark needs light. if you blow one of them up, then, i mean—"

this is when castiel let's lucifer come up to finally communicate with his father again. dean sees the discomfort in castiel's eyes as the transformation begins, and he cringes himself. he hates what Lucifer has done to his best friend and "fake boyfriend". but, knowing that castiel can now somewhat control the arch-angel, it gives him some relief.

lucifer speaks up. "it wouldn't be a good thing."

you can basically feel the cockiness radiating from castiel's vessel due to lucifer's presence. it's been that way ever since the boys first met the archangel.

"no, son, it wouldn't be a good thing. like, 'end of reality' not good." chuck responds with the same amount of cockiness in his voice.

"well what would it take?" Sam questions, not moving from his seat.

"first time it took the combined strength of me and my brothers to weaken amara before daddy-o finished her off." lucifer explains, standing up from his seat to stand next to his father. sam straightens up out of his seat, still feeling slightly uneasy from his presence.

"Even then it was close. Now with just the two of us, we’ll lose." chuck sighs. dean just rolls his eyes by the 'two of us' comment and sam notices this.

"okay, so what? we need more, uh, group therapy between you and the archangels if we wanna have a shot?" dean chuckles, turning his attention to castiel's vessel. lucifer holds his posture much different than the angel does, and to dean it's noticable. damn, he hates that lucifer went into his vessel in the first place.

"well, michael’s in no condition to fight, and it’s outside of my power to bring gabriel and raphael back-"

"but you restored castiel?" sam intentionally interrupts, standing from his seat to stand by his angered brother. without him she'd cease to exist, so they don't know why chuck wouldn't know how to stop his sister.

"archangels are different. they’re the stuff of primordial creation. rebuilding them, that’s – it’s time we don’t have." chuck replies with the sound of defeat filling the atmosphere.

"so what do you need to win?"

"what do you got?"

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