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"we assemble our band of brothers, hit amara with everything we've got. then when she's weak –"

"i finish her off." chuck interrupts the younger brother, going through the plans and demands in his head.

 "a page from the original playbook. this time with witches and demons subbing for archangels." Sam replies, seeing a sign of agreement from lucifer.

"i still don't like it." dean spits out as he walks around in circles behind sam, earning confused and distraught looks from everyone in the room. "why trap her when you can kill her, you know? i-i mean, you got to admit, there's a lot less room for error if you shoot to kill."

"i explained why." chuck says in response, crossing his arms and leaning against the brightened table.

"right, but why keep her in play? so she can escape and we can go through this all over again?"

Sam turns the chair with his body so he faces his irrational brother. "dean, what's this about?"

"huh? nothing. am i the only one who's rational here?" dean chokes up on his words, looking sam directly in the eye. he can see the look of genuine concern that's painted on his brothers face, but dean looks away as soon as lucifer opens his mouth.

"it's about her." he comments, looking sam in the eye as he plays with a red band that he found in the middle of the room. "it's about her, sam, his girlfriend"

that definitely made sam's head turn quick at dean. castiel heard lucifer's comment, and it made him mentally cringe and want to gag. lucifer doesn't realize it but no matter how far down he's pushed, he himself can still hear and process the entire conversation.

"okay shut up" dean replies, raising his hand to point at the vessel in defense.

"i mean, think about it. dean Winchester meets the biggest evil in the universe, and he takes a pass? come on. now he wants daddy to do what he couldn't." at this point castiel just wants to push his way up to the top to comfort dean as he gets even more visibly annoyed and livid, but of course, lucifer has a hold of him. dean just taps his foot harshly on the ground, trying not to strangle the vessel. he's aware that chuck has control of lucifer's powers, but he stops when he reminds himself that that's castiel's vessel and if he hurts lucifer, he also hurts the angel and he would never do such a thing, not to cas.

"is he right?" sam questions the older, teary eyed before getting cut off. "oh, i'm not getting into it with him. Not gonna happen."

"hey, dean. come on, what's good for the goose is good for the gander. We opened a vein for you two." this made chuck even more annoyed with his son, seeing how he's testing the hunter.

dean just stares at him before speaking up. "i tried to kill her." as he says those words, he remembers trying to stab her with a silver blade, only for it to shatter in front of his eyes just days weeks prior. "and it didn't work."

chuck kills the empty silence that followed dean's comment. "maybe it didn't work because you didn't want it to work." this makes dean put all of his attention on chuck. "maybe you didn't want to kill her." 

"you want god to kill amara because you don't want amara to be killed?"

dean stands back. "yeah maybe there's a part of me that just can't hurt her" sam shakes his head. "but if she's already dead-"

"then she's already dead."  Sam finishes his brothers sentence and scratches the back of his neck.

"well that got weird" lucifer implies, earning an internal push from the angel.

sam straightens himself in his seat again. "dean… we always sweat this stuff, these choices. but, for once, we have god on our side. i mean, for once, we can actually just do things his way."

and with that, chuck smirks and snaps his fingers, taking them and the participants who agreed to an abandoned powerplant building, to conversate and go over the plan.

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