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amara stumbles down the stairs to face her brother. "again."

the first thing that everyone notices is the cuts and scrapes all across her body. thinking that she has been weakened, lucifer grabs the nearest object and stabs her through the stomach from behind, sending her into a shock. everyone could see the bloodied weapon from the other side of the exit wound, and it didn't seem to phase lucifer one bit that when he ripped the blade out, she collapsed on the cement, attempting to take a breath. when lucifer tries to stab her again, chuck stops him suddenly. "son." he informs the man with the weapon, holding his hand out. lucifer respects his father's wishes and takes a step back next to dean.

"i'm sorry" chuck stuttered to his sister. "i'm sorry for this, for everything"

dean just watches amara crawl to her knees, lifeless and broken.

he wants to do something, but he'll just get himself killed.

"an apology, at last" she mumbles, struggling to catch her breath. "what's sorry to me? i spent millions of years crammed into that cage alone and afraid—"

dean closes his eyes and shakes his head in sorrow. he can't imagine how she must've felt. he hated the small amount of sympathy he had tucked away for her. absolutely despised it.

sam just stands next to his older brother, prepared to hold him back.

"wishing, begging for death because of you! And what was my crime, brother?" she hissed.

"the world needed to be born! And you wouldn't let me! amara, you give me no choice." chuck insinuated. what he said was absolutely true, without darkness, there wouldn't be light, but she doesn't understand that.

"that's your story. not mine. the real reason you banished me, why i couldn't be allowed to exist you couldn't stand it. yeah, we’re equals. we weren't great or powerful because we stood only in relation to each other. you think you made the archangels to bring light? no. you made them to create lesser beings, to make you large." rising to her feet, she cries out. "to make you Lord. it was ego! you wanted to be big!"

"That's true." he stands with her. "but it isn't the whole truth. there's a value, a glory in creation that's greater and truer than my pride or my ego. call it grace, call it being! whatever it is, it didn't come from my hands. it was there waiting to be born. it just is, as you and i just were. since you've been freed, i know that you've seen it." he looks over to the older Winchester brother and nods, making her look into his direction. "Felt it."

the two make eye contact until dean looks away nervously. amara just looks at her brother with disbelief. "it didn't have to be like this. i loved you, brother."

chuck looks away with remorse, making amara laugh bitterly.

"well, you've won again." she takes another deep breath in.
"finish it. kill me"

"i'm sorry"

all Amara can do is look down in shock as the mark of cain burns off of her chest, transferring to sam's right tricep. his grunts of pain are covered by amara's cries.

"i'm so sorry"

"no! not again!" amara screams, lunging forward and gripping chuck by the throat. "not ever again!" with her power she hangs him up higher, choking him in midair. lucifer attempts to stab her once again, only to be thrown into a wall by his aunt.

"goodbye nephew" she whispers, ripping Lucifer out of castiel's vessel, leaving a weakened angel. dean screams for castiel, only to get thrown into a yellow gate by the darkness.

her abilities came back in at the wrong time, and now everyone is suffering the consequences.

sam just crawls back into a wall.

"i'd die a million times and murder you a million more before going back there!" she spits out as the mark transfers back from sam's arm to her shoulder once again. "tell me if you won't change, why should i?"

black tendrils rise from her feet, going after her brother. dean shouts at amara to stop, only for her to turn her head to give him a glance before turning her attention back to the choking lord.

the black tendrils hit him again and again, and with each wound a spot of brilliant light appears. "sorry brother" she mumbles as chuck turns brighter and brighter, making sam and dean cover their eyes. before they notice, chuck's lifeless body falls to the floor, not moving an inch.

dean stays still as he grunts. "no, amara, what have you done?"

"dead, god's dead!" sam concludes before being interrupted.

"no, he's dying. my brother will fade and dim into nothing but not until he sees what comes next. not until he watches this world, everything he created, everything he loves turn to ash." she tells the boys, lowering her hand, declaring something before disappearing.

"welcome to the end."

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