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"dean, are you sure this is a good idea?" Sam questions his brother, looking up from his countless pages of research on his laptop. every book they have in the library has been torn apart just attempting to find answers, and it's all they've been doing for hours on end. they need a break, even though they both know it's not going to happen whatsoever.

"how the hell else are we gonna defeat her huh?" dean scoffs before taking another sip out of his bottle and throwing it into the trash bin next to him, listening to it shatter once it hits the hard surface. some sounds just don't even phase the boy anymore.

"dean" he whispers before getting out of his chair to stand before his brother. "i know you want this amara situation to blow over. trust me, i do too. but is faking a relationship with your best friend really the solution?"

the other brother just rolls his eyes in irritation and crosses his arms. this was one of his bad habits and everyone knew it. if someone pissed him off or did something he wasn't quite fond of, he'd get all aggravated and his whole demeanor would drastically change. sam's used to it by now. "he's an angel. we could get more information for us than we could even dig up."

"obviously i know he's an angel, but why can't we find some other way? we could get rowena to help or something" Sam sighs as he walks around the bunker, sitting down on the bottom steps of the stairs.

"not to be a dick or anything, but she's the reason why amara was released in the first place." he replies, earning an annoyed look from his concerned younger brother. dean just shakes it off and pulls out another beer from under one of the chairs.

"yeah but you got that wretched mark off your arm, didn't you?" he laughs, bringing himself to his feet to check his laptop again.

"we're going through with it" dean declared with a winning smirk before opening another bottle and looking behind his brother, only to notice castiel walking out of the hallway. the angel greets him with a head nod and his famous "hello dean" after greeting sam with a smile.

"cas" dean smiles back, handing him a bottle of beer. castiel takes the bottle despite not having the appetite for it. sometimes dean forgets that cas rarely gets hungry or thirsty, but there's too much for him to remember.

"what were you two conversing about?" castiel questions, before sam chuckles as he stares into his computer screen.

"yeah uh, about that, can i talk to you alone for a minute?"

nights in white satin | deancasWhere stories live. Discover now