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preparing themselves for the disastrous moment, sam and dean stand at their mothers grave, with castiel standing not so far behind them as the others lean against the impala.

 the brothers cant look eachother in the eye.

"dean, you know you dont have to do this."

dean sighs. "'course i do. i just have to get close.. i can do that, okay?"

the eldest turns to look at his lover. "i can do that."

"you know if this works, um, the bomb goes off."

"i know." dean utters to sam, placing his hand on his shoulder before walking away to talk to chuck, who is being helped by rowena. sam places a kiss on his two fingers and leaves them on the headstone before joining him.

chuck raises his head as dean begins to start conversation. "you cool with this?"

chuck coughs. "no. i- even after everything shes done, amara's still my sister. she's my family. i can't— I don't want to see her dead, but.. yeah?...I understand."

dean feels a warm hand grab his waist from behind. "dean?"

"cas.. my love-" before dean can finish, the angel embraces him once again, crying into his shirt.

"i could go with you."

"no" he repeats. " i got to do this alone. listen, sweetheart, if—when—when this works, sam—he's gonna be a mess. so look out for him, okay? make sure he doesn't do anything stupid"

"you know i will, but that doesnt mean anything if you're gone. my existence will lose purpose if you're not here, next to me."

dean places a cassette tape into castiels treachcoat pocket as the pair shared what they thought would be their final kiss, named 'listen to this whenever you feel me near.'

"i will never be far from where you are, my angel. i love you."

"i love you." castiel cried out, voice filled with sorrow.

nights in white satin | deancasWhere stories live. Discover now