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"is everything alright?" castiel questions the hunter, staring at the empty bottles on the tables of the entrance as dean walks him over to the bookshelves.

"yeah but, i uh, i came up with a plan" dean hesitates. who could blame him for being nervous? he's about to ask his best friend to fake date him in order to save the damn world.

"and that plan is?" all cas has to do it look dean in the eyes and he just automatically knows something's not right. well, nothing has ever been right, but this just confused the boy.

sam just stays at the table and listens to the two talk from across the room while trying to not distract himself from his work. although he wants this to go well, he can't wait to hear castiel's reaction to what his brother is about to explain.

"well it's not the easiest plan but" he interrupts himself as he takes a sip from his second bottle, leaning against a piece of furniture to stabilize himself.

"dean you haven't been this nervous to talk to me about something since you first received the mark of cain." cas retaliates, laughing the
nervousness out.

"well I was thinking that, maybe we could fake a relationship to possibly find ways to defeat her?" dean asks quickly, feeling a wave of shame as soon as he opens his mouth. maybe sam was right but, there ain't no going back now.

"like, pretend like we're in love so you have access" the angel blurts out, setting down the bottle on a table and bringing his attention back to the hunter. talk about a dumb idea.

"doesn't heaven have a rule or something about angel's partners have permission to know orders and such?" castiel hears the boy speak as he turns his head to make sure sam is alright. "i don't think so, but" he pauses to look at dean. the look on his face is indescribable, and all cas can do is look into his bright green eyes. it looks as if he hasn't slept whatsoever, and they both know that the 3 hours of sleep, isn't cutting it.

the angel wishes things were easier on the winchester boys.

"didn't chuck say that the cosmic balance is tipped or something? couldn't you find some sort of information revolving that?"

castiel just closes his eyes to think. is faking a relationship necessary? he knows how important it is to find every source of light to eventually defeat the darkness, but why would dean ask about this?

all thoughts come to a halt when he feels a gentle hand touch his
shoulder slightly.

"what else can we do cas? you'd know the most out of all of us. please"

this is when sam peaks his head up from his tiny computer and listens closely for rejection. he just wants to rub something in deans face, that's all.

"i suppose if it helps find some way, i guess i'm not opposed to it. but remember, i could get in even more trouble for this, so don't
screw this up."

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