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"so what do we bring to the table to make up for archangel power?" chuck questions, pacing back in forth in front of the boys.

"we could try and find more hands of god?" Sam suggests, earning a look of annoyance from chuck as he raises his hands for him to see.

"a little redundant"

dean decided to add some dialogue to the conversation when he notices that castiel is trying to push Lucifer back. "what about crowley? big demon power, former king of Hell. He was a player in his day"

that's when chuck snapped his fingers and sent dean to visit crowley at his throne. he tried to be sneaky about it, but no luck.

"stealing my moves, dean?" crowley smirks, taking a sip of alcohol from his glass. dean steps out from the pillar into crowley's sight, noticing the intoxicated demon.

"let me guess. you got lucifer back in the fold. he snapped you here."

"no, it wasn't lucifer." dean comments back, shocking the man on the throne as he takes away the glass in his hand right as he's about to take another sip.

"ah-ah-ah. It's time to sober up. You smell like a dumpster outside the liquor barn." dean sighs, pouring the alcohol onto the ground and setting the glass aside and out of crowley's reach.

"what's this? concern for me? i appreciate your attempts at bro-mantic rekindling. but i think we both agree that ship has sailed."

"that's not what this is about" dean mumbles, before fixing his posture and standing in front of the king of hell. "we need your help".

as dean converses with crowley and finally gets him involved with the plan via persuading, lucifer tells chuck about how hard it was to get the angels on board with the plan, and how he had to be pushed out of the way so castiel could communicate with his brothers and sisters, not that it helped any. eventually after telling the two that they loathed both him and the other entity trapped inside castiel's vessel, they got on board with the plan, just like rowena did with sam. Sam knew she had the book of the dammed and she's one of the most powerful witches they've ever met. they also got the help from clea, another fellow witch that hated that the darkness had been released, and wanted to prove a point against rowena.

everything is slowly coming together, piece by peace. but through it all, castiel can't help but worry about dean and his wellbeing. he's the only one who had somewhat of a connection with amara, so he can't imagine how he's feeling at the moment, even though it gives him a sense of anger when thinking about the two of them alone.

castiel wishes amara would stay as far from dean as possible, but he knows that is far from happening, which is why he want's to protect him as much as he possibly can.

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