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Sometimes I see the spiral getting smaller, and tighter.
Sometimes it gets harder to see where I'm headed to.
Sometimes the lines blur and the light dims.

Sometimes the spiral looks thinner,
Like the farther I go, the deeper I end up.
Sometimes it's endless. Sometimes I can see the end, or sometimes I make the end.
I imagine a sky full of blinding stars,
Or a vast ocean with clear blue waves.
Sometimes, I forget how to breathe.
To be honest, no one taught me.
I tell myself to take slow breaths, and continue along the path.
Sometimes I get stuck along the same string
The same string
The same string
The same string
The same string...
- - -
But then I find the strength to carry on,
Because I have the strength to carry on
I have the strength to control the spiral,
I just don't know it yet.

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