give me an answer

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("The moment faith is lost, chaos consumes and madness governs")

Why is the wind so bitter?
Why does it strike me and whisper nonsense in my ear?
Why is the sky that much brighter?
Why is it filled with heartache and hurtful reminders?

Why is the air so cold?
Why is it scarce and taste so old?
Like it did those long months ago?
Why is this pain so familiar?
It's agony wrapped in familiarity, agony drowned in similarity
And why is it that my faith is weary?
Why don't I believe with everything within me?
Why don't I trust with all that I am?
Why can't I function and why can't I see Your plan?
Why does joy seem to exist In everyone around me?
Why is it that it hurts and it hurts and I ask You:
"Why do I suffer?"
And You answer
You answer

Why am I engulfed in flames?
Why aren't I floating towards the surface for air?
Have I travelled so far down that I can't see the light?
Do I believe in light anymore?
Do I rely on flesh rather than the invisible wonders of an eternity with You?
Why must I trust?
How can I trust?
Give me an answer
Respond to my desperate pleas and heal my wounds
Teach me how to believe
Teach me how to feel
Teach me how to run into your arms and speak
Teach me how to see

Give me an answer
Why me?
Why is this happening to me?

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