lady pink

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An excerpt from my own imagination.

LADY PINK prances impatiently about her room.


n her luscious rosy bed, The Crimson Shadow rocks back and forth awkwardly, twiddling his enormous, sweat stained thumbs. His armour creaks with every swing, and the helmet on his head is killing him.
The faint sound of heels clacking echoes throughout the room, permitting silence to exist only barely on the tongues of butlers and maids, who apparently had nothing better to do than listen in from beyond a wooden door.

'Is this all you have come to tell me, then?'

Silence seizes control. Outside, a million bodies press up against the wood.

A sigh escapes her lips, and she tries again.

'Is this all you have come to tell me?'

This time it's the bed that speaks. It groans softly as the knight adjusts his position, dusting off his scarlet armour against the furry blankets. His voice cracks a little as he starts his statement, but he continues nonetheless.

'My Lady, you sent me on a quest to retrieve information from the border of Louvoria, and report back to you immediately after. You also, may I add--' He slowly removes his helmet, revealing a dimple filled smile spreading on his lips.

'Told me to return quickly, because you said you would miss me. Am I wrong?'

Lady Pink scoffed.

He was infact, not wrong though, and she knew it. She had wanted him to deliver information on Louvoria, she had wanted him to be on time, she had wanted him back so she wouldn't be lonely, but she had never wanted him to be this cocky about it.

A grin crept into her face. She couldn't resist the urge to burst out laughing. Tucking her curly ebony locks behind her ears, she walked over to him slyly.

'You know me all too well. However, I should have you thrown in prison for that remark,' her eyes were fixed on his, which under close inspection, seemed to contain shards of lost emeralds that appeared even under the faintest light. It took all her strength not to get too fascinated by them at one glance. They were beautiful.

'How was it a remark? I only speak the truth, my lady. Besides, how do you know I'm not already suffering in prison being here with you?' he chuckled.

A small pout hung on the edge of her lips, but she retaliated, folding her arms boldly.

'That isn't in the slightest bit funny, you know. There will be a day where I won't be here to take your pitiful insults,' her eyes drifted towards the door.

'Infact, what's stopping me from going out there with tears in my eyes, claiming you insulted me in the highest manner achievable, and should be executed effective immediately?'

A chill run through the air.
The knight's breath was tangled in his enstrangling armour, his mouth wide open.

'You wouldn't do that.' he started

'Why not?'
Suddenly, she erupted into bursts of uncontrollable laughter. His hands circled her stomach, tickling it endlessly.

'Would you tell on me now? Huh?'

In between laughs, she managed a weary: 'No!'
He whisked her away into he air, attacking her and giggling himself.

Sighs of both disappointment and relief could be heard outside.

(Ha if you got to the end, thanks. Just wanted to try writing in third person, and this crappy piece of writing is the result. Thanks for reading it!)

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