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Listen closely,
Child of mine
To the way the birds fly up high

Listen closely,
To the breeze
How it turns,
To a sweet melody
Let it's sound soothe you to sleep
Listen closely to the breeze.

Listen closely,
And you could see
The way the Sun kisses the leaves
Hear the fruit being plucked from the tree
Listen closely my child,
Listen closely with me.

Open your ears,
Let your worries run free
For I am with you
Listen attentively
To the words I say unto you
This world may strike you down
It may send it's demons after you
But raise your chin to the sky
Let yourself cry
And know it will be alright.

Listen to how soft the wind blows,
Listen to the call of the morning
Do not fret, do not stir when you wake
But shake off the sleep and fill your heart with joy

Listen closely my child,
For these words I speak are true,
Even in my death, I will always be with you
When I depart,
My soul will be recycled
I will be reborn

So listen closely when I die
Because you just might find
My love again.

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