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••Warning: This poem can get a bit depressing and long. Please, please read at your own pace, with caution.••

Snow falls on the leaves,
Some dead, some living with me
I lay there in the cold, shivering, withering
There is nothing but the trees and the snow and the sky
The trees the snow and the sky.

Waves crash and fold into the black sea
Carrying destruction and fear, as well as me
They force me into the numbing water
And I sink, deeper and deeper, searching amongst the water for air
I open my mouth, breathe but I'm not supposed to, so I drown
I drown with no hope to pull me up.

The snow has become lifeless and grey,
The snowflakes losing their colour and unique shape
Somewhere in my heart I can hear the roar of the avalanche, I can see the thoughts consume me
But what can I do to stop it?
Who can I call to help me?

I'm almost gasping, fighting for breath,
It feels like dying.
Tears form
It feels scary, like drowning
I'm telling myself to breathe in, breathe deep
Yet I'm still in the water, and all I want is to sleep
Breathe in, breathe deep, is what I repeat
Until I calm myself enough, to pull out of the sea.
Sometimes being anxious is terrifying, you can't breathe, you shake, you scream. Sometimes you feel helpless. But the sea is swimmable. The mountain can be climbed. Not in a days time, not in a months time, but it CAN be conquered, with help.

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