why do you fear the stars?

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Did you know that stars are born, light years aways from us?
They are crafted from gas and dressed in light
To forever shine and give life until they die?
The stars; celestial bodies of gas that we praise and adore in the night sky are evidently like us
They live; they die; new life is born again
They aren't the backdrop to the universe forever
They are mortal, they have mortal souls that's are hidden under layers of golden white light
They are connected to humans because of the idea that forever, one blinking lighter will either
And more will flood to take its place
So will there be a time when there are no stars to witness?
No stars being born?
Are stars a finite resource that will eventually exhaust?
If the sun is a star will it also grow old and have something new replace it?
There is no reason to fear the stars that I can think of,
Apart from the fact that they remain human.
What gives life to the stars and why?
Will it also grow tired?
Could a man have his own star, that would be linked to his lifespan?
Every life growing older until their counterpart does
Until the end of a bloodline, and thus the end of a shining star?

(Maybe there are answers to all of these questions, and I'm just thinking too much about it)

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