feel again

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Emotions aren't my friends
I guess you could say our relationship is bittersweet
Truly, how can you be expected to get along with your formidable enemy?

I would like to feel again though
I would like to feel happy
I would like to know I have a soul
I've been waiting for a sign
I've been waiting for a spark

I would like to remember how sweet joy tastes
I crave the arms of happiness against my skin
I would like to remember how good the sun feels on my face
Or the intensity of infatuation
I want to feel again

I don't want to be left behind
I don't want to succumb to my thoughts
I don't want to be alone

I think everyone hates me
It'd be nice to feel loved again
I know I'm being ungrateful
I know I'm being shameful
But it'd be nice to feel again

I want to sit at the piano
And play a melancholy tune
I'd like to sing of my first love
I'd like to have a first love, sometime

I want to learn the guitar
I want to play a song for my love
I want to play a soft song for the weather
It would be nice to feel again

I would like to feel like a child
I would like to hold someone's hand
I would like to write poems again
I would like to be free

I would love to feel again.

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