crying on the first day of school

16 4 1

My heart is thumping
Thunder rumbling
Wheels crunch ashy stones on the floor
I exhale and prepare
Hoping the day will be fair
Hoping for no memories of you.

First lesson's a bore
I hardly hold my tears back
I feel so alone
I crave another soul
I'm already praying to go home.

Walk alone, pretending I have somebody
Talking to myself, wishing I had somebody
Catch the eye of a classmate
Turn and look away
(Not making a fool of myself today)

I remember the details of your smile, and your wide eyes
I recall these hallways once full, the walls bruised with bustling bodies
I remember the words we exchanged, and the days we left here
Your fragrance imprinted on my jacket; I hold it tight
I remember you, and suddenly the sun shines bright.

I smile sweetly at the memory, missing a lost time
Wishing you well from afar
Hoping you find someone who loves you right
Someone who can love your energy, appreciate your depth and see your beauty.

The day continues, my confidence erupting til'
My thoughts are interrupted,
It's finally over, it's hometime.

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