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I wish you would stop lying to me
I know that you force that smile
I wish everyone would stop thinking they have to endure my hobbies, and tolerate my things just because it makes me happy.
I hate seeing it when people are bored of what I like, but won't admit it because they don't want to upset me.
I hate sitting down and enjoying something with someone, only to hear they did it out of pity.

I hate thinking that I have to harden my heart and change my ways to fit into society.
I'm not like that.
I hate conflict. I despise it.
I don't like nasty people, I like genuinely kind people.
I hate when people lie to my face
I hate people who talk behind backs.
I hate confrontation.
I hate being anxious.
I hate it when you blatantly lie.

(Wow, this was all over the place, but I'll publish it anyways)

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