unfinished thoughts ii

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(Yes, these quotes are all original. All rights reserved)

"our souls are hideous, stained with the sweet scent of imperfection"

"the screams of the dead are our bread,"

"You poison our blood with rebellion"

"How they laugh with such vigour! they chuckle at our misfortune, and encourage our villainy, only to confirm their superiority"

"You only inspire hate, and rid our bodies of patience"

"They convince us of his madness; persisting in their lunacy"

"They sacrifice their sanity, to fill themselves with nonsense beliefs"

"Abandon your morals, leave your good intentions by the door"

"Still waiting with the stars; maybe one day you'll return."

"Betray your hopes, disown your dreams"

"Maybe I was destined to be evil, it does have a nice ring to it"

"Can we be evil? Just this once?"

"I want to be a goofy villain"

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