42 ways to say I love you❤️

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••••Way 27: shall we dance?⭐

Shall we dance?
Let the moon watch us as we pass?
Shall we laugh into the microphone of the night?
Let the echo of our joy shine half as bright as you, shaded by the blue ocean
Smiling politely at me, like the world doesn't have a say
In who we could be, who we could see
You chose to lift me, chose to believe that I could have a hidden meaning
In the depths of my healing
You swim up out of the sky
And wave as a greeting

You are truly the only one I could be with
So I scarp some courage for the passion I harbour
I fuel my words, I remove my armour
I'm praying for mercy as I start my confession
May the millions of eyes above grant me leave of she denies me
I can hope, but it's a dangerous thing
A devastating thing, it's all the same, a shame that I couldn't say anything in that moment

But these soft words:

"Shall we dance m'lady?"
Her lips stretched into a hopeful smile.
And we danced till we woke up the town.

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