marching death

16 4 0

"we are desperate for something poetic;
the tragedies of the stars don't satisfy us anymore."

He gobbled up their children and swallowed their towns
He mocked them with laughter and spat on their crowns.
the people cried out,
they wept and exploded into a horrible sound
They relied on booze until it satisfied their woes
They drank and drank, they protested and anger rose
Finally revolution bloomed within them,
Fueled like a raging fire, inspired by hate
Mighty forces sprouted from the South
They trampled bones,
Ignored the screams of the dead and left the dying
Consumed by their anger,
They separated.
Again, the giant laughed
He rose
They didn't pose a threat to him I suppose,
The giant laughed
Went to dig their graves and bury their toes
He was marching death, staining his soul
Bathing himself in their ugly blood.
The battle ceased, for one power outweighed the other
He hailed victory, and drank all the glory
He lived to exist in fairytale warnings and legends.

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