hallucinations and imagination

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Eyes are heavy
I don't think they'll let me
Stay up for another night or two

Whisk away into hallucinations
Wandering into dreams and imitations
Falling helplessly into a lawless wonderland

I fly; second star to the right
My hands infiltrate the sky
I'm surviving on stardust
Hand in hand with Peter

We escape down a rabbit hole and meet Alice
I tease the Cheshire cat for fun
Our goodbyes are so sudden
Our faces so sunken

I fly; straight on till morning
I expand the concept of the universe
The entire world seems bendable
The entire world seems like it's mine

I pop into Neverland for a drink or two
I tell the Lost Boys a story
Peter and I dance in the glassy sand
Tink hates it, but I'm not sorry
I sail away with their treasure
Laughing endlessly with fire in my belly
Blowing kisses in the wind to nobody
The adventure is limitless
They are no walls
But I feel as though it's all false

My body feels irregular
My eyes are forcing open
The island behind me is torn and swollen
My tongue stinks
It feels strange in my mouth
The fabric of the universe is worn out

I finally awake, my head aches like crazy
I realize, as I Look around
Another hallucination
Another whirlwind story.

(I've been falling asleep pretty easily these days, and whenever I fight the urge to sleep when my body is tired, it forces me to sleep, and during this struggle I go through so many lifetimes and visions that it's CRAZY. It does sound crazy and serious, but I kind of like it because it gives me alot of story ideas, who know I might just create a dream journal on here)

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