LOST teaser quotes

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"How can you be expected to grow up when there is no one to show you how?"

"When faced with a decision, when someone else's fate is yours to write, when you have to choose between one or the other, there is no sure way of knowing what to do,"

"I knew it. You do hate us. You despise our kind. You ARE a monster."

"Stop acting like everything is sunshine and rainbows. This is the real world, and in the real world, people die, people kill,"

"Is it so wrong to rely on childish curiosity from time to time?"

"That's b-b-blood. T-that's his blood!!"

"When we sound the siren, you will know. Screams will stain the air, blood will cloud the sky. It will be a massacre out there. Something that our anscestors will thank us for,"

(L O S T is coming soon I guess, I'm just so tired from trying to piece everything together, and I feel like I've taken a darker turn with the plot than expected oop-)

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