for the lost

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Dedicated to the Lost,
The ones who struggle in the light
And breathe in the darkness.

Written for the dying
Written for the fighting
Written for the pure and the wholesome
Corrupted by loss,
Stained and forced to run.

This is a declaration
A safe whisper amongst vermillion thorns
A pledge to the ones whose loyalty does not lie in one house alone
Rather in the veins of their brothers
And the eyes of their elders

This is dedicated to the suffering
Dedicated to the insufferable
Birthed from ink and raised in pen
This is a promise
To honour the dreams of Lost men
To honour the pleas of Lost children
To Honour the needs of Lost women

This, is an heirloom,
One that will be passed down to generations of revolutionary visionaries
So that somewhere in the vile, soulless future
Our ancestors will deliver hope through this ancient literature

These words will forever be embroidered in the breaths of whomever claims himself to be Lost
From their first, to their last
For their future, and for their past
Whosoever is willing to carry our title
Let them be Lost

Let them be heirs to a gifted kingdom
Let them chant and sing of their name
Let them be our brethren

Dedicated to the Lost,
The ones who harbour fire in their bellies and steal light from the world
Let there be peace, forever more.

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