unfinished (nonsensical and sappy) thoughts iiii

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**Because a certain someone made me very excited to do so!!!**

"Is love really so cheap that it can be bought by whosoever wishes to be loved?"

"Burn with the stars and die. There is not place for you here,"

"How can you drink all the praise
without seeming vain?"

"I caress your dying bones,
but even as the stench of death surrounds you, your scent is warm and vibrant,"

"I'll miss him, I admit it. He made me laugh. It'll hurt to never see him again."

"It's beautiful, even here are love is eternal; gorgeous in the wind and etched in the autumn leaves,"

"Is enough ever going to be good enough for you?"

"My name's Venus-"

"Maybe this is all were meant to be, a passing melody"

"Let's watch the world burn at our feet,"

"What is the concept of rising? What is the fall? What is the point of wings when they don't work at all?"

"My ears hear all that the world feeds me,"

"We have a bond. A bond of the lost."

"You can run, sure. But you can never escape my clutches. I will hunt you down, generation after generation, relentlessly pursuing you until even the last of your bloodline suffers the cruelty of your actions. I will NEVER rest until you pay."

"Royals who are made of art,"

"As long as you are in my arms, darkness shall never touch you. You, my dear, are crafted from light, you are pure and holy, an heir to a kingdom of eternal peace,"

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