Twenty four • The Suspicions

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God, I'm so relieved yet somehow, the feeling of someone hovering around me in the dark is unavoidable. I feel watched. Still,

It has been a week since I met up with Elliot and a week after Owen's spasm episode and so far, I have never felt so secure and at home in college than I've ever been these past few months. Well, except I think I haven't seen the last of Elliot. On another note, thankfully, classes are halted for a few days since students need all the time in the world to recharge after that horrendous midterm season. I just love academic breaks. I just hope no one ruins it.

I was up and about in our dorm room, sketching some messy drawing of Maxie, referencing a photo Aunt Lydia sent me. Maxie was adorably tucked into my bed at home and my aunt took a photo of it. My polka dotted blanket was also around my socked feet and I had Chromatica blasting through my headphones, my head bopping along to Lady Gaga slaying my life once again.

For once, things were good.

Ever since I shot down Elliot last week, he never contacted me through my number or any of my social media accounts. He was silent. That side of him was what I feared the most since it was the same one that lured me into his trap, that sly fox he is.

Shaking my head, I focused my attention on drawing Maxie on my battered up sketchpad and as if on cue, Owen came rolling out from the bathroom, wearing a Haikyuu jersey and some comfy green shorts. He had a soft, white towel in hand that he used to dry off his dark, brown hair. He then looked at me, his icy eyes glowing warm as he connected with mine.

"What are you looking at?" he asked with a soft smirk.

I shook my head and threw my sketchpad to the side of my bed and put down my headphones, letting Lady Gaga sing into nothingness. She shouldn't worry though, I always come back listening to her songs ever since I was a kid.

"Nothing. Don't you think you're being too much of a nerd though?" I asked, sitting on the corner of my bed as I slung my legs back and forth, watching him pack some extra clothes into his navy blue backpack.

After he finished folding the clothes in, he later spun his chair to face me and tilted his head to the side. Owen had a confused look on his face as he later eyed his white and baby blue shirt, with the number one plastered in the middle.

"Why? Is it the shirt?" he asked innocently. I smiled at him and sighed as I stood up and went toward Owen, putting a hand on his shoulder. I subtly held the fabric of his shirt in my fingers and I let myself feel it for a moment. They were indeed fit for work outs and if I didn't know better, I would think Owen would really be on some real volleyball team if it weren't for the chair. At least there's the Paralympics but I doubt Owen would immerse himself in sports since he always avoids people and any sort of interaction.

"Probably. You really need to get more clothes that do not advertise fandoms. I still have your Ravenclaw hoodie back at home. I still have a lot of fandom clothes to steal from you." I noted, putting on a playful smile.

Owen shot me an offended look and I raised my arms slightly in submission. He shot me a quick glare before looking all down bashfully on his attire.

"How dare you speak that way to my choice of clothes. I never judged you for wearing almost the same type of shoes everyday. C'mon, Docs? They're not as practical as you think they are. Boots?" he said, smiling ever so playfully at me with that cunning look in his eye.

"Says the person who wears the same pair of Converses every time." I muttered to myself as I kept a small smile on my face to deepen his confusion. Owen couldn't have heard that. He kept looking at me weirdly as he fixes himself.

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