Twenty-one • The Thing about Him

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I woke up late today.

To be honest, I think the only reason I really got up was because the sunlight was directed toward my face from outside the window and it hurt my eyes. I don't really get it how sunlight can even cause someone discomfort even when their eyes are sealed by some sort of protective layer the eyelids have. Still, I hated it.

I didn't like how things spiraled down with Maya yesterday after midterms and I didn't like how I didn't leave Athena a note or even a simple text about the spontaneous plans Maya made. Speaking of Athena, I haven't really gotten to apologize formally after the thing with Maya. She was busy cramming for the test last night and I didn't want to bother her. I'm already too much of a hassle and I don't want to be more of a burden than I already am.

Shuffling under the covers, I slowly rubbed my eyes and opened them slowly. Something about waking up after a long week of midterms and procrastinating got me too lazy to actually get out of bed at 11am. And I didn't.

I had been staring over at Athena's side of the room with her unmade bed and her mess of clothes over at the foot of it for the majority of the time I was awake. For the time being, I caught myself yearning all of the sudden. I yearn for the familiar swoosh of her short, dirty blonde hair and the tickle of her bangs that started to curtain over her eyes these days. I missed seeing her golden brown eyes that glinted like warm honey and the way her eyelashes move with every gust of the wind. I know to myself that I haven't been interacting with her as much as we did before and it's all my fault. 

And I want to change that.

I think my personality has been through quite some change during all those times I spent with Athena and honestly, even I am confused about the person I became. I noticed I was pretty much a balance of grumpy and annoyed these past few years but now, I think I'm a bit well-rounded. 

Well, I still dislike people with a burning hate but for the most part, Athena has tamed me. 

I stared more into Athena's side of the room and just sighed. 

How hard did I fuck up with her?

Honestly, she deserves better. I looked over at my chair quietly sitting where I left it the night before; at the side  of my bed. It had been the same old one I have been using ever since I was around thirteen since that was the time I hit my growth spurt the hardest. There are a few dents here and there and some of the black paint chipped off the sides already. Even the dark blue footrests have some chipped parts in them. At least the smaller wheels under them still light up after all these years.

It was childish of me to get them but I liked it; I do have a liking for the unusual.

After much contemplation, I sat up in bed and pulled my chair nearer. I uncovered myself from under the sheets and with much force, I managed to pull myself out of bed and quickly transferred into the chair. 

I felt the cushion shuffle a bit as I sat and I had to do some readjusting to get it right. I also had to readjust my legs on the footrest since they acted like limp vegetables and were not normal to look at. As much as I hate to admit it, this whole thing about being unable to get up and walk bothers me more than my mum's singing. 

I went straight into the bathroom first to shower and brush my teeth. Popping off my retainers, I took my toothbrush and plastered on some Colgate onto the bristles and just stared at myself in the mirror as the toothbrush landed on the surface of my teeth.

My dark brown hair was  incredibly out of shape and I was in dire need of a haircut. I never liked seeing it curling a bit towards the ends since they poke my eyes. Dark circles also had formed under them and I oddly looked a bit like a Tim Burton character. 

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