Twenty-two • The Thing about Us

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"You didn't have to go all the way here, Eli." I immediately told him as soon as he surprised me right after midterms. In complete and utter shock, I hid my innermost feelings about the situation and maintained a straight face as I yanked him by the arm and toward somewhere hidden.

I feared Owen might have seen us or something but I immediately erased the thought of him going out alone in broad daylight on a weekend. That kind of thing was extremely rare and to be honest, I had a huge hunch he's still asleep in bed. Owen loves that. As far as I know, he absolutely hates anything that involves social interactions and that includes even passing by random strangers. He'd rather sleep and read than go out, that adorable idiot.

"I wanted to see you. It's been a while." Elliot told me as he freely let me lead him towards a secluded area inside the campus. He had a cheeky grin on his face and honestly, he looks as if he never changed.

Well, except for his hair. His former shiny blonde locks had now been dyed into a darker, chestnut brown, all tied together in man bun. Elliot always did enjoy having longer hair. It was something that made him stand out from the rest of the guys back at high school. It was one of the things I first noticed about him.

I eventually shot Elliot a glare, the same exact kind Owen used to give me before. Throughout the years of our relationship, I had been given a lot of his glares and I am proud to announce that I think I learned how he does it. Terrifyingly.

"How the hell did you even know where I was? I didn't tell you."

"I contacted some old teachers from school and asked where you go now. A Princeton girl. Wow. You could've went to Harvard or Yale but this is okay, I guess." he said with that same breeze of coolness he always had around him. Elliot took his time looking around the buildings and other campus scenery as I yanked him towards one of the smaller coffee shops around and went inside.

I sat down on one of the more hidden tables fearing someone I know would see me with this mammoth and call me out for being a slut or something. Things like those easily becomes rumors here and I don't want such things to happen. I never want them to happen. To think of it, I never wanted this meeting with Elliot to happen either.

"Coffee? Athena, it's lunchtime. Couldn't you have chosen somewhere with a bigger menu?" Elliot said, in an attempt to joke. I looked up at him, his six foot something height towering over my five foot one and a half. His green eyes had been the same over the years and his stare was the same kind one he gave me before.

But things are different now.

"Shut up, dickhead." I told him with a straight face.

Elliot curled the edge of his mouth into a cheeky smirk and nodded. It was not too soon until he sat opposite of me and clasped his hands together like the stupid fly that he is.

"Feisty. I like that."

"Fuck off. If we're here to talk, that's all we're gonna do. I'll eat something later." I spat bitterly.

"Alright, alright. We'll stay in this, --whatever this place is." he said with a slight chuckle in his tone.

Elliot looked well. Too well for someone who disappeared and suddenly came back like he's the messiah or something.

His now chestnut hair had strands that got out of his man bun which I suspected was blown off by the wind. The type of clothes he wore was still the same; plain shirt, dark jeans and a black bomber jacket. It seemed as if he never aged these last two years.

"Elliot," I started, looking down on my sweaty palms. I began to rub them anxiously, it had been a habit of mine after the thing happened.

"Yes Athena?" he asked innocently.

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