Fourteen • The Thing about Her

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"And she agreed to help you out with Maya?"

Fitz happily nodded with a swift motion of the head as we picked up books in the Main Library. The books unfortunately, were reference books and instead of sucking me into whatever amazing universe they contained, I drowned myself in their complicated theories, citations and concepts. School books are the absolute worst type of book out there.

"Yep. I'm kinda relieved she did. Hey, is Athena free after class? I wanna make a game plan for this thing with Maya and I want to hear what she has to say about the old arcade for a  first date." he said nonchalantly as he picked up a book on botany and histology.

"Trust me, she probably has a LOT of opinions on that matter. You were talking about an old arcade?" I asked as my mind involuntarily drifted off to Athena.

Lately, it seemed as if Athena had been giving me some space. A lot of space.

She went out a lot with both Fitz and Maya leaving me alone in our room to study.

I don't blame her though. I wanted to excel in school so badly and I wanted to prove to that donkey of a professor that I don't need any sort of help whatsoever when it comes to school work.

Athena is smart enough to pass any class she takes without even studying as hard as I am. She was a prodigy, goddamnit. She's better at me at everything and I have to work extra hard to catch up to her.

"Yeah! It has like, this vintage feel to it and I heard it still has the first Pacman." Fitz said excitedly as he kept raising his brows.

I shot him a careful eye and scoffed.

"Fitz, are you sure you want to take Maya to a place with the first Pacman?" I asked with a slight curl of the lip.

Fitz looked a tad confused until he shrugged it off.

"I don't see why not.  Maya loved history class in high school. Pacman first edition was history." he emphasized.

"Let's see what Athena has to say about that."

After Fitz and I got the books we needed, we headed over to the librarian to check them out. As I stared off into the stack of books I got for my classes, I couldn't help but feel anxious all of the sudden.

THAT stack of books. I was going to read those. I'm going to READ through them and analyze every small tidbit it had. I immediately felt tired just staring at them my mind went all hazy and cloudy.

"Dude, you okay?" I heard Fitz ask.

I turned my head up at him and he was looking down at me with those round, brown eyes of his with his glasses all lopsided again.

"Yeah, of course. I think I just zoned out for a quick second, nothing to worry about."

"Whatever. I'll update you about the meeting with Athena later. Make sure Maya knows nothing of this, alright?"

"Fine, fine. We're both late for class waiting for our books to be punched. Let's go." I said with a swift turn of my chair as I swivelled out of the library with Fitz as he shoved the books inside his large backpack.

"Kay. See you at the dorms?" He said as soon as he zipped up his bag and slung it over his shoulder.

"See you then." I answered.

Fitz and I parted ways and it was not long before I went to class with Dr. Anderson yet again and my day couldn't get any less frustrating.

I had three thick and heavy books borrowed from the library and I had them stacked on my lap. I didn't have any space inside my bag anymore and if ever I did shove them inside, I was terrified of the possiblity of a ripped bag. I don't have Mum around to fix it for me if ever that happens and the chances of Athena fixing it are quite slim.

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