Twelve • The Thing about Dr. Anderson

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I'm screwed.

For the first few hours of my first days of actually attending my classes, things were mediocre at best. They were fine but not entirely as much fun as Athena was probably having.

It was all going great with my professors being all understanding of my situation when it comes to coming and going into their classes up until now.

My heart couldn't stop racing as fast as a Formula One car and my sweat was cold against my forehead.

I am late as fuck.

My next class was supposed to be Chem lab but unfortunately, the great and ever so warm Sophie just had to call me urgently for some business that I think is absolute nonsense.

With all the other hours of the day that she could call me, she rang my phone up around a good 30 minutes before my previous class ended. My professor that time was okay with it and dismissed me but pushing all the way to the Center just to have a heated argument with Sophie about the shoes I wear was just complete bollocks.

"Why don't you wear orthopedic shoes?" Sophie asked as she flipped through catalogs of orthopedic stuff in the Center. She was leaning against the wall with her back resting against it as she faced me.

"They look weird. I don't like them." I said bluntly as I kept glancing at my watch to keep track of time.

Sophie stopped flipping through catalogs and shot me a deathly glare. She hook her head and looked at me disappointedly.

"Not liking them won't work for me, Watson. I just observed that you mostly wear Converses. Those shoes could cramp your feet and your blood circulation down there won't be any good." she explained.

I looked down on my feet that indeed were sporting my usual Converses and I turned back to Sophie.

"But I like my Converses. I never had a problem with them."

Sophie looked grumbled as she pinched her nose bridge for a quick second before looking at me intently.

"I do. Now, do you want swollen deoxygenated feet or not?"

"I don't but--"

"But what?"

I inhaled all the air I could before I shrugged and started to explain my side. Orthopedic shoes are the worst. There's no way Sophie's forcing me to choose some shoes from her catalogs.

The reason I still continue going to physical therapy was in order for my blood circulation to be fine all the way down and to avoid getting stiffness around the muscle area. I also do it to lessen those times when I actually have these random pains in my legs and spasm episodes.

They're the absolute worst.

So far, I have experienced none ever since my college move in and I was thankful Athena never got to see me that way. Yet.

Going to PT was enough and I don't need some random therapist to dictate my choice of footwear.

"I don't feel anything down there. I don't see why I should get expensive shoes that could pass as Crocs without holes." I mentioned nonchalantly as I slyly avoided eye contact with her.

I gave it a few moments before I turned my head towards her direction and Sophie looked annoyed this time. I was almost certain I had a slight smirk on my face as she did. I could feel that tiny smirk creep up and resurface, but only slightly since Sophie intimidates me.

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