Twenty Five • Thinking

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I never meant to worry anyone.

For the most part, with classes resuming back to their incomprehensible lectures and tiring hours, I had been doing quite good with school. Stares are starting to boil down a bit at places where I usually go to and I think I've been doing okay so far with college. The thing is, Athena makes me feel like she's some younger version of Mum who hovers around me like some big, preying eagle ready to pounce at the very moment something unusual happens.

Lately, she's been keeping an eye on me and constantly asks where I'm going and who I'm going with whenever I go out on my own. I appreciate her efforts to protect me and all but honestly, I don't need anyone shielding me from anything at this point. I can do things on my own without anyone helping me, and that includes defending myself.

The skies are warm into the afternoon, with a color scheme similar to the current Instagram logo. Everywhere was quiet in campus. It was no doubt of it since I was out on my own again in the library working on some things I need to pass this week. 

Well, I'm not really all by myself in a few moments. 

Someone's coming. Or so she says.

I'm okay with the solitude of being alone. I'm used to it after all. 

The tables are empty today in the library except for myself. I was the only one here at this hour. I was seated right around the end of the huge hall with ceilings higher than an average library's. The architecture alone of this library was honestly astounding and beyond what I can imagine. I felt myself smiling a bit as I stared up into the round lights above me.

"What exactly did you take that made you look up 90 degrees up?" someone said as I heard dainty footsteps walk toward me.

I looked back down and shrugged at the newcomer. She had been wearing a floral collared blouse and straight red pants paired with some heels, I think. I'm not good at identifying the differences between female shoe wear especially pumps, stilettos  and heels. I don't even know if they're the same thing or not. Ugh, girls.

"Nothing. I almost thought you weren't coming." I said, putting down a pen I had in my left hand.

She smiled.

"I defy all expectations and surprise people. It's sort of my thing." she answered.

Maya and I were quiet for a few moments as soon as she pulled a chair right in front of me and sat herself down, clasping both of her hands on the table, looking at me smilingly.

"I heard there's a party over at Rockefeller later. Wanna go?" she asked enthusiastically.

These past few weeks, I had been going out to the library on my own whenever I have to meet Maya. I couldn't escape her. We were in the same program and lived in the same building. I might as well tweak in some changes in my agenda to insert her since she actually was a decent friend and companion.

Even so, I felt bad for not telling Athena the whole truth whenever I go out. I tell her I'm doing some schoolwork in the library to focus and here I am, being invited to a party by the person Athena's been keeping me away from.

"I don't know. I'm not the type to enjoy parties anyway." I said monotonously.

It was true. Although I enjoyed Calix's small parties and private gatherings during high school, I somewhat felt out of place in a room so full of people. They were lively, just like the ambience. I was not.

"It'll be fun! They say they have a keg. I always wanted to try those things." Maya said, reaching out for my empty hands and held them tight, squeezing them in utter excitement.

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