One • The Thing about Normalcy

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It was a warm summer's day and we only have two weeks left before college officially starts. I still find it unbelievable that I'm actually a college freshman. At Princeton.

I was sitting cross-legged up on a chair by my study table as I gazed upon the beauty of the university by the window. It was really that beautiful given that students can actually live in dorms inside the campus. Well, we're actually required since that's what the higher-ups said but still, how crazy amazing is that?

I actually get to live in such a place full of history and gorgeous design, I might actually be one of those people who are actually excited to start classes. Unlike Owen.

He was getting anxious these days about college since he doesn't know for sure how the school would cater to his needs, more so, how the students would perceive him.

I  shook my head and turned behind to look at him in all his sleepy, snoozy glory.

He was all slumped against a pillow he had wrapped under his arms as his ever so messy, dark brown hair fell over his forehead. Even from afar his eyelashes were incredibly long. His breathing was at a normal pace and I watched his chest rise up and down every time he inhaled and exhaled.

How adorable.

He has been asleep for a good hour now after we finished off fixing everything in our room. We had only just moved in this huge coed dorm room for two since he does need the space to move and carry on with whatever he wants to do. The perks of having a boyfriend with a disability and having a school that actually cares for people with cases like his sure can be quite a list.

Our dorm room was okay. It was almost as huge as as Aunt Lydia's living room and kitchen combined. The room itself was this pasty light yellow shade and I decorated my side with mood boards, posters and postcards that I got throughout the years. Fairy lights and fake plants even hung from my part of the ceiling. As much as I want to have a functional floor plan of my side of the dorm, I couldn't help but stick little pieces of myself up on the walls. Pinterest taught me well, if I may say.

Owen's side, on the other hand, was plain. The only thing that catches the eye was probably his large collection of books that he brought over from home. He really does love a good book.

Personally, the only reason we got to live in the same dorm was because his mom practically forced the admins to. A little push really can impact hugely.

This way, I can keep an eye on him and never have any problems involving transferring from one room to another if we want to have any special Netflix or book dates.

Owen grunted in his sleep as he continued shuffling and with one eye opened slightly, he turned to look at me and smiled goofily. It was one of the newer things he's shown me and my heart couldn't take it since I found it so cute.

"Good morning." he said coarsely, his voice still fresh from being woken up. I stood from my chair and went over to his bed and sat by his side. I leaned in to give him a small kiss on the cheek and he squirmed a little in bed as he hoisted himself up to sit.

"It's one in the afternoon, dumbass. It's about time you woke up."

Owen rubbed his eyes sleepily and cocked his head to the side, letting a few strands of wavy hair fall over his eyes again.

"If you didn't have to go back and forth from the ODS, you would've napped as well."

The ODS stood for Office of Disability Services here in uni. It was where Owen had to run to these days to fix reasonable accomodations for his classes. He even got a huge map of the campus as a bonus.

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