Four • The Thing about Fitz

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I woke up to the warm scent of cookies infiltrating my senses. Grunting as I opened my eyes only to rub them free of any crusts that formed while I slept, my eyes still felt heavy and I was tempted to go back to sleep. I didn't. I'm a college freshman and I needed to start acting like one. Waking up at 10am is not appropriate for such people.

I sat myself up on bed and pulled back my hair that always found themselves bouncing back to my forehead. I then took off the sheets and just sat there, staring at my legs.

They were still shitty but now that I'm in college, I felt the same wave of anxiety I feel once I stepped into middle school and high school. It was that same, sinking feeling of anxiousness and insecurity that blanketed me these days and I kinda wanted to speed up the school year a bit to a time where stares are less and finishing up requirements took most of the time of students.

Limp as ever, I slapped my thigh and as expected, I didn't feel a thing. I sighed and shook my hear as I went in to grab my wheelchair from the side of my bed and transferred onto it. I put on my usual black Converses that were unsurprisingly still clean underneath and went in to my room's bathroom.

The bathroom inside the room was something only people like me had in their dorm rooms. It had bars to hold onto in the shower, a shower seat, and the door even opens by itself with a remote. I don't use the remote too often since I can perfectly open a door by myself but when I want to play a little with Athena, I keep the lights open in the bathroom and when the lights are out in our main room, I like to have the remote in my hands and just press the door open for her to think that someone got in our room or a ghost resided here.

I went up to the sink to splash some water on my face only to wake my senses up a tad bit and brushed my teeth as well. I also took a quick shower to finish off my terribly late morning routine.

As I finished off what I was supposed to do, I then went back to the unfamiliar box of cookies by my bed. I took the box in my hands and laid it on my lap, noticing a note with familiar handwriting.

The penmanship itself was exquisite and I knew only a certain someone who always wrote in cursive.

Inside the box were handsome looking chocolate chip cookies that were just the right thickness and right size to fit on my palm

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Inside the box were handsome looking chocolate chip cookies that were just the right thickness and right size to fit on my palm. I took a cookie up to my nose, sniffing it to make sure it didn't have that commercially made smell on them and I was quite surprised it didn't.

I actually commend her for making these cookies on her own. I wouldn't be surprised if she took countless tries just to get the recipe right.

The cookies, though no longer warm from the heat of an oven, were soft to the touch and biting into them was more of a scrumptious endeavor I wouldn't mind taking on a million times.

They were actually good.


I ate half of them within minutes and I found myself yearning for more once I stopped myself from getting another one out of temptation.

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