Fifty Two • Seize the Day

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I deserve to have fun.

With everything that went on and that little bit where I felt the jolt of being alive, I realized I had strayed away from one of the core essences of being in college: parties.

I had my fair share of parties in high school; sponsored ones hosted by rich kids' parents in their big ass mansions, Cal's unusual but fun parties, and even the occasional ones hosted by other kids we barely knew in class. 

This was my time to actually enjoy something. I deserve it.

Fuck finals. 

All I'm asking for is one night of fun, laughter, and terrible drunk dancing. Finals won't even take place over the next few days. It happens exactly a week from now. 

I get good grades, why shouldn't a measly party be a treat?

"I'm giving you one hour, Thena. Just one." Elliot told me as soon as we pulled up over by the campground's parking area. 

My arm was still broken, so Elliot, being the annoying little spawn from hell, insisted on driving me. What a way to rain on my parade. He acts like a parent now, what the hell.

I sat back in the passenger seat of my car and raised both my feet up on the dashboard, purposely annoying Elliot. Sucking the tiny lollipop I had in my mouth rather loudly, I puckered my lips and turned to stare at him with the kindest smile I can muster.

"Let's pretend I give a shit and leave it at that." I said, shrugging as I continued biting on the hard surface of my lollipop.

One party isn't gonna hurt. A few drinks wouldn't either.

"Athena." he said sternly, emphasizing my name the same way my aunt says it whenever I did something stupid.

I put out my lollipop towards his direction and grinned cheekily.

"You know what, I think I'll go swimming. There's a lake nearby." I noted, looking out the window of my car and out towards where campfires and lamps illuminated the dark, making out silhouettes of people walking by, dancing, taking photos, and even the occasional guy inverted on a keg.

Elliot heaved out an audible sigh and turned my by the shoulder to face him and his musty face. His short, blonde hair was all spiky and prickly now, and his green eyes looked dull in the dark.

"You can't be serious. You can't just jump into a lake without a change of clothes or something to protect your cast from getting wet." he said.

I groaned and sat straighter in my seat, intent on annoying the fuck out of him so I can do whatever I want.

"So no skinny dipping?" I suggested.

That got a chuckle out of him.

"You're unbelievable. Fine. Do whatever you want. I'm coming back in an hour to give you a ride back to your dorm. Call me, okay?" he said as he turned off the car's engine.

"I won't." I told him as soon as I opened the door of my car and went out, smiling to myself as I walked away.

The path was a bit rocky, but it was fine as soon as the land flattened, and I can nearly feel my Docs sinking in a bit to the soft, dark soil. The earth smelled rich, and weird as it may sound, I kinda liked it.

I knew I was at the center of the party as soon as I saw people around my age flocked around one, big campfire, all dancing to the loud music blazing through some speakers. They all seemed alive, like all things boiled down to one event, and this was it.

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