Eight • The Thing about Girls

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Exactly twenty four hours from today, I would be in a classroom full of people I am not familiar with.

And it scares me.

Tomorrow, my schedule only comprises of four classes, each going on for more than an hour. I didn't like the sound of that and what makes me even more nervous was that I had that ill-timed chemistry lab class with the verbatim, 'terror' professor.

Lunch was among us and weirdly, Athena and Maya were acting like they've known each other eversince they got out of their mothers' wombs.

Athena was laughing hardly at something Maya whispered over to her on the opposite side of the lunch table here inside the dorm. Fitz and I, on the other hand, were silently watching them in awe but weirdly, Fitz kept his eye mostly on Maya.

"Girls are so confusing." Fitz said as he looked at the pair in utter confusion.

I couldn't help but agree and nod.

"You could say that. Weirdly, one half of them fell in love with me and I still have no clue why."

Fitz cocked his head to the side and looked at me with an 'oh really?' expression plastered across his face.

He was wearing normal people's clothes now with his red flannel and gray shirt paired with some shorts and Vans. Only thing is, his shirt had some anime character in front of it and I don't know whether anime girls with quite some breasts is appropriate for school.

"At least you have someone who liked you." he spat bitterly as his eyes gazed toward Maya yet again.

I sighed and turned to him, brushing some hair that kept making its way in front of my eyes away from them.

"Consider yourself lucky you don't even have to decipher her mood during one of those 'days'." I whispered.

I didn't want Athena to know that even after spending some time with her these past few years, there are still things I find weird that only girls do.

For example, ever since we became roommates, the bathroom drain always had clumps of blonde hair. Occasionally, even the walls have them too.

I once asked Athena if she had some sort of alopecia or something regarding her hair fall and she nonchalantly brushed me off by saying it happens to all girls.

Another thing that I observed during our senior year was her tendency to join other girls (e.g. Viv and Marley) to the restroom. Viv could excuse herself out of the table over at Delta's and all of the sudden, Marley and Athena would go with her.

Seriously, is there some sort of secret memo guys don't get because if girls do some weird, Upside Down shit down there in attempt to release a Demogorgon into the world, I don't want to talk about it.

Right now, everything just confuses me.

Turning back to Fitz, he looked more confused now that he was a few moments ago.

"What kind of days?"

I cautiously looked at Maya and Athena chatting about some kind of wholesome meme Athena saw on Twitter then turned back to Fitz who looked at them as well.

"You know, when like, she stays in bed a lot and uhm, has these weird mood swings." I said in the lowest volume my voice could muster.

Fitz's brows scrunched up in the middle and he nodded understandably.

"I think I get it. 'Flag of Japan' days?"

Okay, now I'm even more confused.

"Flag of what?"

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