Fifteen • The Thing about Doubt

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"HOW DARE YOU TWO LEAVE ME ALONE WITH MAYA. Please, stop laughing and let me rot in peace. I'm dying a slow painful death and I don't want you both by my bedside when I die."

It was a hot Saturday and luckily, Owen finished up his schoolworks last night by hogging all the instant coffee there was in the dining hall. I think it's safe to say that he was pretty much awake throughout the day and surprisingly, he even had time to watch a movie on Netflix with me. Two movies even.

Owen and I were inside Fitz's room, both nearby his bedside. After going on a lowkey romantic window shopping kind of date last night, Owen and I checked up on Fitz's progress with Maya. Given his current state of being in a literal burrito by his blankets and sheets, it didn't go as well as planned.

And Owen and I were laughing.

"Sorry. It's just, why did you pretend you got lost? In the dining hall? Where we live?" I asked Fitz as I held in my laughter, holding it all in my stomach.

Owen was obviously trying his best to be there for Fitz but he was outed by his own fit of laughter. He hid it though but to be honest, it was still clear that he couldn't help but find the situation pure humorous.

"And you asked Maya for directions?" Owen asked as he stopped himself from laughing. The corners of his mouth were highly up and his slight dimples were showing as he smiled.

I was sitting beside a crumpled Fitz who was still cocooned in blankets as Owen stayed in his chair by the small table of cluttered game cartridges.

Owen was still smiling as he held in his laughter and it was not long before his eyes just as blue and icy as before locked into mine. And he winked.

I knew I shouldn't be feeling all so giddy about my boyfriend acting all cutesy because we are here for one thing and that is Fitz's problem with engaging in relationships.

It was not too soon before Fitz shuffled and squirmed until he let out a distressed groan.

"Please shut up. You two really are perfect for each other. Now get your entwined, lovesick asses out my room. I don't want to see any signs of love while I'm sulking." he muttered.

Owen shot me a look and it signalled me to go and give Fitz a good pat on he back. As much as I find him hilarious around girls, he really does need some backup.

"Fine. We'll stop laughing." I said with a tone of finality, sitting straighter on his frumpy bed.

"Thank you." Fitz replied with a sigh of relief as he sat up in his bed as he was still enveloped in his Mario blanket. If I'm not mistaken, I could've swore I saw a slight smile there.

"Not until you tell us how fast you sprinted away from Maya once she told you what country we're in." I quickly followed up as soon as I noticed that Fitz seemed fine.

"ATHENA." he said, slumping back down again.

Owen shot me a disappointed look and I shot him a weirded out on as a reply. He turned his eyes toward Fitz and he let out a sigh before turning back to me.

"Yes love, please quiet down. Fitz said he's sulking over how single he is. Let the man be." Owen dissed. I giggled as soon as Owen twitched the corner of his mouth into a smile aimed towards me leaving Fitz in a blank, expressionless face.

"You too, Professor X. Quit it with the weird, mushy endearments. It makes me sick. I hate love." Fitz declared as he pursed out his lips and slumped deeper into his blankets.

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