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I got my cast off today.

It was about time I got rid of it, and just in time for the beginning of summer vacation. Owen was quick to insist he come with me every time I go. He's been really supportive, even after I had a slight meltdown two weeks back when I was told I had to be in the cast longer since my arm wasn't healing at the pace the doctors expected. Thankfully, it was gone now, and I felt really good.

"It's your day today. What do you want to do?" Owen asked expectantly as soon as we got out of the doctor's office.

He was extremely persistent on coming with me almost every time I go somewhere since that night out by the lake. Elliot was fine with it, and told me it was about time I have a new babysitter, and Fitz kept making kissy noises every time he sees me with Owen. As much as I wanted to sock Fitz's stomach and lock him with someone in a room at night, I couldn't, since I turn red every damn time he brings up Owen.

"I would say home but, we still have a week left before we pack up and leave the dorm." I said with a shrug.

"What do you propose then?" Owen asked, looking up at me as we went straight to his car. 

"You know, our usual date." I said, opening the door to his car as soon as we found it in the parking lot. It wasn't that hard to find it though, since he parked it in a handicapped spot. 

I still wasn't cleared to drive by myself yet, and Owen drives me everywhere now. I eyed him with a knowing look, and that was enough to send him signs. In response, he tried to withhold a smile, to which he failed. He was smiling like an idiot.

I settled myself in, and waited for Owen to finish storing his now detachable chair behind us. Once he was done and started the car, he turned to me, his soft smile still intact.

"I thought we weren't dating." he said, smiling widely now.

I shrugged and looked out the window for a moment, smiling a bit to myself.

"We aren't." I said, turning back to him, disregarding the huge grin I had now etched on my face. Even the idea of possibly dating him again just makes me feel so otherworldly, like a true goddess worthy of adoration.

He smiled, and it was not soon before he started driving us away from the hospital, and towards our college dorm. I felt myself smiling too much even then, my jaw hurt. 

Truth be told, Owen and I aren't back together. 

We decided to start over, contrary to his wishes of picking up where we left off. To be frank, where we left off wasn't exactly pretty, so I thought of doing this almost the same way we did back when we were in high school. As friends. Who text a lot. And eat a lot of food on the broke college kid menu. And kiss.

We weren't dating, and in my defense, we're just in the moment a lot.

After a few good minutes, Owen pulled up around our dorm, and we got out as quickly as we got in. We made our way towards his room, took out the remaining snacks he's got, and fired up his laptop. 

Our usual date was simple: watching Netflix as we eat in either his room or my room. Since both of us were pretty much drained and exhausted from college that left us nearly broke with almost no food by the end of it, all we had left were packs of instant ramen. 

I volunteered to heat up and prepare our ramen outside, and as well as to get us both some drinks. He, on the other hand, was designated to build our fort.

That was a special addition to our usual date. Back home, we usually just snuggled up together, sharing the same blanket as we watch something, but now was different. We upgraded to a fort. A fort.

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