Thirty Two • Connecting the Dots

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It was his birthday today and I certainly did not plan anything big for this. 

Owen was known to heavily dislike large gatherings or surprises. He hated them with a burning passion and I respected it every year. Previously, we either took trips outside of town or I'll just simply get him a new book.

Everything was simple back then.

Now, I don't know where to begin. 

Owen was not at uni this time because he said he was meeting his parents somewhere in between the road from home to school but he did say he was going back before night falls because of homework. 

I was over at Elliot's again today after classes out of shear boredom. He was watching Age of Ultron on his huge flat screen TV as he splat himself down on his velvety couch with a bowl of popcorn. I, on the other hand, was sitting by his apartment's windowsill, drawing the cityscape of NJ with a regular pencil I had with me.

"Thena," Elliot called, his eyes still fixated toward his television.

I turned my head in his direction and answered.


Elliot shot his head toward me for a moment and cocked it sideways, locking me in his gaze.

"Why the hell are we still meeting up?" he asked.

I asked myself the same question too. 

Elliot was obviously no good for me. He had hurt me before and now that he waltzed back, he just stuck. And I didn't know how to feel about it.

He had this aura around him that is somehow, still the same as it was before but I noticed how his attitude shifted a bit after that time I was knock out drunk. He was a little kinder now. A little.

The more we met up to talk about what he'll do in the near future regarding his regular toxic behavior, the more he seemed like he was actually considering it and yet, he held back. He was too full of pride to acknowledge his faults and here I am, trying my hardest to help someone who hurt me. It was too late to turn back now and simply ignore him.

"You haven't been listening to me." I answered, going back to my messy sketch of the cityscape. Maybe I could give this to either Owen or Fitz. 

Or maybe I'll just give it to Fitz. Things with Owen were still hostile and uncomfortable, I didn't want to make things worst than they are now. 

Elliot scowled at me and shot me a look of disgust.

"I told you, I'm not into the magic glowing stones or chill, white places. I'm better on the road." he answered nonchalantly, locking his attention back to his movie.

"How about a support group?" I suggested, straightening my back as I turned again toward him.

I had also done my research on these things and there were support groups that were just perfect for him. I was not sure how he'll react though.

"No. I'm too good for that." he said.

An expected answer.

I still had my gaze directed toward the scrap paper I was drawing the cityscape on and continued.

"Fine. Then that means I won't stop coming every now and then until I make sure you find somewhere permanent to stay. I think it's worth the risk if it means not seeing you for the next few years." I said, shrugging, feeling my now shoulder-length hair tickle my neck.

"Even if it meant making things weird between you and crip?" Elliot suddenly said.

I stopped drawing and looked at him with narrowed eyes.

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