Thirty Eight • Reconciliation

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I knew attachment was a bad thing.

It made me think that, maybe, I shouldn't have been roommates with Owen in the first place. Maybe things would've been better if I lived somewhere else at uni, or maybe, things would've been better if I didn't choose to go to the same university.

We had been so close during our last years of high school, I was foolish to think that we'd be together in college. I believed we were kindred spirits who balanced each other out.

I guess I was wrong.

Owen and I had been so dependent on each other's presence, maybe it was what broke us. After all, the world doesn't revolve around a single person. There are countless of things I can focus on, and for once, I kinda felt bad that, in some way, I felt a little more at ease.

It was weird.

First was the storm, then now, the unsettling calm. I was terrified of it and what might become of it in the next few days, or months, or maybe, even years. I don't know. Time will tell, I guess.

In two days, I would drive back to uni. My aunt kept insisting that she should come along with me but I declined every time. I really do think I really need to be by myself these days. I was starting to enjoy the quiet. Maybe that's why Owen likes it so much.

It was night time today, and I was finishing yet another season of Brooklyn Nine-Nine in the kitchen with some cheesecake my aunt got the other day. It was good.

A little bit after 9pm, our doorbell rang and I was contemplating whether to answer it or not. It was starting to get late. And I still had a season to go.

I was a little bit annoyed when the doorbell rang again. Fearing my aunt would wake up since she does sleep pretty early, I hesitantly paused the episode and grudgingly walked towards the door. I opened it, and I immediately didn't know what to think of.

"Ready?" Elliot asked as he rang the doorbell again with a big, cheesy smile on his face. His hair was now buzzed, long gone are his silky, dark brown locks. His natural blonde was showing.

Elliot had on a thick, black jacket as he stood out my house. I, on the other hand, was in my lavender sweats, all ready to sleep. I looked at him suspiciously and narrowed by eyes at him.

"What the hell is this about?" I asked, crossing my arms over my chest as I stepped out a bit into the cold, gray weather and looked into the dead of night. The snow was still and unmoving on our small front yard with the sky blank of stars.

Elliot looked unfazed at my annoyance. He seemed calm and collected, making me very confused.

"No questions. Just, wear something warm. We're going out." He said as he shoved his hands into the pockets of his jacket and looked around.

"Why?" I asked.

"No questions." he emphasized, looking at me seriously until he broke off and chuckled.


"Fine. Give me a few minutes." I said, shooting him a quick glare before I turned around and walked quietly toward my room. I crept up the stairs slowly to make sure Aunt Lydia stays asleep.

I quickly put on a maroon coat, fuzzy socks and a random pair of chunky sneakers I have before I got out again to meet Elliot standing by our door. I slowly got out of the house, quiet enough not to wake my aunt because god knows what in the world she might think of once she sees me and Elliot outside.

I was still annoyed at him for showing up in the middle of my Netflix binge.

"Are you out of your mind?" I whispered to him as I slowly shut my front door as quietly as possible.

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