Thirteen • The Thing about Playing Cupid

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"You know, you could just tell her how you feel."

Classes ended early enough for me to catch up with Fitz in his dorm room for a round of video games. Lately, Owen and I barely hung out together and the times that we did included Fitz and Maya.

I completely understand that since his program was pretty busy and hectic, Owen has to spend a lot more time working on his requirements. The same goes for Maya yet with her, we still go out for weekend runs and coffee.

Though we literally stay in the same room together, it's hard keeping tabs on him. Owen's just so focused and determined to overthrow that stupid professor of his by doing all nighters with his books and notes.

I kinda missed hanging out with him.

"It's weird with her, you know? Like, we barely talked. And she hardly looked at me back in high school." Fitz answered as his eyes were focused on his TV set. Currently, we were having another game of DOOM. This time, I'm purposely flunking it so he wins.

"Then start talking. Jeez, is that so hard to do?" I asked as I turned an eye toward Fitz and immediately turned back towards the TV as I heard my character get pounced at by intergalactic demons.

From the side, Fitz scoffed as he shook his head. He let loose of his grip from the controller a little as he pushed his glasses up and continued playing.

"Doesn't 'awkward' and 'introvert' speak for themselves?"

He shoots a demon. It was a good shot though his precision was way off the head. He could've shot in in the forehead so the demon's killed immediately.

"Right. I forgot you and Owen are literally the same person." I said with a slight curve of the mouth.

I love thinking about Owen. The fact that he's so busy these days just bums me out so whenever Maya's not available, I head off to Fitz's. I could relieve my desires for Owen by simply shooting demons right in the head.

"Yeah, you could say that." Fitz answered monotonously as he kept shooting demons on screen. Eventually, he won.

After we finished off a level, Fitz and I took a quick break. We gulped down sodas and ate chips he had laying around. His messy organization system had really proved to be useful these times.

I opened up a pack of Lays and popped a chip into my mouth as I turned to Fitz and pointed a finger.

"You know what I don't get with this whole 'I luv Maya' situation? How you survived years with just staring at her. That's kinda creepy dude."

"You think so?" he asked, looking a bit embarrassed.

"I know so. If someone did that to me, I'd rip his eye sockets off and share it in a feast with my dog." I said as I rolled my eyes and threw some more chips into my mouth.

"Oh god," he said as he slumped down on his bed and groaned. He stayed like that for a few moments before his groans kept going louder.

"What?" I asked, putting down the Lays packet.

"I AM OFFICIALLY THE WORST PERSON EVER." he said loudly. Fitz kept suffocating himself with a pillow and stayed under it for the duration of whatever this is.

"Nah, don't say that." I said, coming nearer.


"She will. Get her a plant. She loves those." I suggested, trying to brighten up the mood.

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