Five • The Thing about Maya

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"Owen has weird socks." I said as I let myself laugh out loud with Maya.

I wasn't the least bit surprised when Maya spat out her caramel latte out onto the table and some of it landed near my cup of matcha.

In the end, we both were laughing as hard as candy could get.

"Weird socks?" she asked, looking at me disbelievingly as she took some tissue and wiped down the table.

I grinned and took a sip from my matcha and leaned in towards her.

"He has Dobby socks. DOBBY THE HOUSE ELF. And the guy's EIGHTEEN YEARS OLD." I said, still in awe that the guy I fell in love with has a  ridiculous pair of socks. I haven't even snuck around his things that much but I assume Owen has more weird socks hidden somewhere in his room back home.

Maya chuckled and shook her head. Her eyes crinkled at the corners and the sunlight off the window hit her side profile kinda aesthetically.

After a good run and the feeding of possibly poisonous cookies to some birds on campus, we decided to cool off in a nearby cafe just around the corner.

We sat by the window, just good enough to see the gates of the university by a small inch.

"I think it's adorable he has Dobby socks. Dobby's cute!" she said enthusiastically with a small smile planted on her lips.

I snorted and shook my head at her.

"You know who's cute? Cedric Diggory. Robert Pattinson was hella fine doing Harry Potter and I have no idea why the hell he pursued that vampire movie." I said, rolling my eyes.

Maya laughed and hearing her laugh always lifted something off my chest.

She really was nice and she kinda reminded me of Viv. I missed her terribly. After graduation, she moved back to London to pursue something pre-law. Tim on the other hand, ended up in NYU for business.

Going back, Maya cocked her head to the side and pulled back her hair to tie it more neatly than before.

"Whaty wrong with Twilight? Don't you like seeing half naked werewolves and pale-bodied guys with six packs and fangs?"

I felt myself laughing as soon as she mentioned the werewolves and I couldn't help but spit out some matcha on the table as well. Maya and I stared at the pale green concoction splattered on the table before she snorted and we laughed again.

I took a tissue from a small dispenser on the table and wiped my traces of DNA mixed with matcha goodness off the table as we both laughed and stared at each other.

"Maya! Why did you do this to me?" I asked laughingly.

She kept smiling hugely and shrugged.

"I don't know! Aren't half naked guys and pale dudes hot enough to spit on?"

As I finished off wiping the table, we laughed again and I was nearly sent to tears.

"You are one DIRTY girl. You can't be friends with Owen, then." I said smilingly before I put on a serious look on my face.

Maya looked at me disbelievingly and scoffed. She crossed her arms over her chest and sighed.

"And there goes my chance making out with a real life vampire."

We both stared at each other seriously before I felt my chest go all giddy and I snorted a little before going on a full blown laugh-athon. Maya eventually caught on and laughed as well.

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