Nine • The Thing about Worrying

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This is it.

It's really happening.

My first official day as a college freshman.

I could really start getting used to calling myself a college girl now that I actually get to wear whatever I want, take classes in those big ass lecture rooms that could fill a hundred people and go to nearby bars to drink?

Oh yes, please.

For today's agenda, we only have our orientations and opening exercises (to be done in our very own residence chapel) which I find absolutely exciting.

Weirdly, Owen thinks otherwise.

"I don't want to be in a room full of random people. I want to sleep." he kept saying over and over like a broken record.

I shot him a watchful look as I swatted a finger at him as I shoved my sketchpads and pens inside a small canvas bag I'd be bringing.

"And I just want to graduate." I answered back as I slung my bag over my shoulder.

From my peripheral vision, the corners of Owen's mouth twitched upward as he tied his shoelaces.

"Can I bring a book at least?" he asked.

I turned to him as I tied my hair low with a scrunchie since it was kinda short and I can't really tie it up the same way Maya does. I kinda wonder if she has extensions my hair color.

"If that'll make you feel less anxious then sure. Give it a go. I did bring my sketchpads."

Owen finally finished tying up his shoelaces and with a final swing of his old navy blue Jansport over the handles of his chair, he pushed his way up to me and I couldn't help but grin and sit on his lap like the queen that I certainly am.

He smiled back.

I sat gingerly on his knees, making sure my sage green dress didn't get too crumpled. I spent long minutes trying to iron it down to what it already is now.

Owen had his fingerless gloves on now and as his arms enveloped my waist, I couldn't resist the urge to be ticklish to the gloves' velcro.

I chuckled and stared at him.

"So Mr. I-Hate-People-I'm-Married-to-my-Bed, I noticed you haven't picked up a book to bring." I said breathily as I leaned into his ear to whisper.

Owen's mouth curled into a slight smirk and he shook his head, letting more of his dark, wavy hair fall over his eyes.

"Ebooks are invented for boring college orientations, love. Though physical books are rather striking, they can get pretty heavy if you have a rotation of more than three books."

I laughed as I then wrapped my arms over his neck and cocked my head to the side.

"What a total Rory Gilmore/Jess Mariano thing to do. Are you sure you didn't come from a television show?"

Owen sighed and shrugged. He had a confused look in his icy blue eyes and still, I found them mesmerizing.

"I still don't understand your references. To answer your question, yes, I was born with a scowl permanently etched on my face whenever people approach me and no, I didn't come from the TV."

"Correction: it's not called a permanent scowl if you have certain conditions that are only appropriate for people-hating. You don't scowl when I go with you to the bookstore." I said with a slight roll of the eye.

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