Eleven • The Thing about PT

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"I told you before, I'm not mad." I told Owen.

The first week of college passed by quicker than expected but at least it was fun.

Turns out, having Maya tag along wherever Owen was great! She keeps tabs on him and updates me whenever he does something stupid and maybe even those rare times when he actually does something wrong.

Today was our first weekend of college and what better way to spend it over at the health center at uni? It was about time I annoy the shit out of him and I kinda like tagging along to his PT sessions.

"Are you sure?" Owen asked as he looked up at me with those big, expectant eyes of his that were again, shaded by his messy waves of dark brown hair.

"Why would you think I wasn't serious when I just told you I'm not mad?"

Owen looked like he was holding something back as he squirmed in his chair as we waited in the Center for Sophie, his physical therapist here.

Eventually, Owen shot me a pouty look and slumped.

"Because you usually do when I'm with someone else especially if it's a girl." he huffed.

I shook my head and attempted to smile.

"I trust Maya. She's okay. Besides, she gave me a plant." I said, leaning back into one of those cold, hospital-like chairs.

"She gave you that tiny cactus? Before you had that, I didn't even know cactuses could even get so dehydrated they actually die."

"It's Cacti." I said, correcting him in attempt to throw him off the subject.

Owen smiled softly and inhaled.

"I find it adorable whenever you try to evade talking about how you killed a cactus."


A moment of silence eventually followed as we waited in the Center, watching people come and go from individual rooms.

"Now, about Maya,"

"Owen, STOP. How many times do I have to tell you, I'm not mad."

"I'M SORRY. It's just weird with her and all."

"Why? Do you want a plant too?"

Looking a little frustrated and annoyed, instead of narrowing his eyes at me the way he used to before, he pinched the bridge of his nose and breathed slowly.

"No. It's just,-- I find it weird not to explain myself further to you last Monday about Maya. Was Fitz fine with it?" he asked sadly.

Before classes even started, Fitz and Owen hung out A LOT at Fitz's dorm room playing games. I guess the guy could cut some slack from overthinking too much about college. He does suck at video games. Owen could use some practice. Fitz was good.

Looking at Owen's expectant expression with his brows all furrowed concerningly and his mouth a thin, straight line, annoying the shit out of him could probably start any time now.

"Oh dude, he was devastated. He was so sad, he actually lost to a GIRL in one of his little video games." I said as I started with a pouty look that gradually developed into a winning smirk.

"You won?" he asked, a slight smile curled up on his lips.

"Of course I did. I'm awesome."

"You always say that." he said, rolling his eyes.

"Do you have a problem with it?"

"No ma'am."

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