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Lisa POV

I winced at the bright light on my face, my curtains probably weren't closed. I felt like I was hit by a truck, my head was pounding. I sat up and hated how I felt doing that. I remembered what happened last night and started crying.

"Lisa?" I looked up to the sound of Jisoo Unnie's voice and she ran into the room. "Oh my god you're finally awake."

She ran to me and hugged me to her, causing me to cry harder. She whispered apologizes as she rocked me. "The girls and I were up all night, worried sick."

"Girls?" Jisoo pointed beside my bed and I saw Jennie sleeping on the floor with a couch pillow and blanket.

"Rosé and I stayed at Ash's bed while she went to family's house last night. We couldn't leave you alone. I don't think I'll ever let you go somewhere alone now."

I smiled at her, but I felt bad for Jennie knowing it must've been uncomfortable. Then I remembered how I tried calling for her last night. I looked at Jisoo, who must've caught the hint as she went to pick up Jennie and place her on the bed.

"Wait how did I get here? I was passed out on Somi's last I remember."

"I carried you. You may be taller but definitely lighter. Are you hungry? I'm going to go get you some medicine."

"Yes please." She nodded as she left the room. I laid back down and lifted Jennie's arm so it was now draped over my neck as I cuddled into her, needing some comfort.

I was spacing out, just remembering it all from last night and I needed more answers. Did Irene manage to get all the way? No. Surely Somi stopped her.. right?

"Lisa?" I looked up to see Jennie's worried glance. "I've been trying to call you for two minutes."

"Sorry. I just was thinking about.. last night."

I felt her cup my cheeks, kissing my forehead and I hugged her to me. "I'm sorry that happened to you. That won't ever happen again, I promise."

"I have class," I suddenly shot up as I remembered my English class. "Oh god I better get ready."

"You sure class is what you want to do right now?"

I nodded as I went into the shower, needing to wash what happened last night down the drain.  I got ready for class and checked my phone, my phone was packed with messages from Somi and even one from Wendy, but I refused to open them right now.

"Eat before you go," Jisoo handed me the bag of food as she came back into the dorm. I nodded and I saw Rosé come out of the room, asking me how I was.

"So are we going to do anything legally?" Rosé asked as she pulled out her phone, "I have connections with lawyers. I even have a hit man on speed dial."

We all looked up at her in shock, causing her to roll her eyes. "I'm kidding, hookers." She plucked a piece of toast from Jisoo's plate. "I also have to remind Jennie of her Pilates session."

"Like hell if I'm leaving Lisa."

"It's okay Jennie," I held onto her hand as she looked torn. "Straight after class I'll go with Jisoo. She'll take care of me and not to mention I am okay girls."

"I'll take care of her." Jisoo promised as she stood up. "We have class right now. If you guys want to come for dinner you can."

"How about we all go to mine?" Jennie offered, "Don't feel like having campus food again. I actually love to cook too."

"She's great at it," Rosé grinned at Jennie and I felt a bit jealous. Did she always stay with Jennie? Are they roommates or something? I nodded and Jisoo and I left to English.

"Let's sit down," Jisoo led me to the middle of the first row of the professor auditorium. I tensed when I saw Wendy and Somi walk in, both looking like they were arguing.

Class went on and we took notes, but I couldn't pay attention.

"I don't take no for an answer."

Hands touching me, my skirt being lifted, bra being exposed, calling for Jisoo. Calling for Jennie.

"Shh they might hear us."

"Lisa!" Jisoo whispered harshly and I snapped out of it, looking up as everyone was staring at me. I felt like my cheeks were wet and I quickly wiped my eyes before grabbing my stuff and running out of the class.

"Lisa!" I heard Jisoo shout at me as I ran out of the building, not wanting to be anywhere near this campus. "SMALL LEGS HERE! Wait!"

I stopped running and waited for Jisoo, who was panting for air as she caught up to me. "I.. need..AIR."

"Sorry. I just don't want to be here, please."

"Then let's go do something. You love retail therapy." I nodded as we walked to the parking lot as we got to my car.

Jennie POV

"How was she when she woke up?" Rosé asked as we were in our private Pilates session. I winced as my leg was stretched over my head. "She didn't say much at the table."

"She was shaken up and zoned out, but we just laid there really."

"I feel so horrible for her. I really wished she would let us hire someone to take care of that Irene bitch."

"Bae Irene, born March 29th, dorm 282. Trust me, I had her information sent to me the moment I heard what happened. I just can't do anything out of respect for Lisa, she should have the say of what happens."

She agreed and we left that conversation as we finished up our Pilates. We grabbed a juice as we left back to my apartment. "Lisa sent the small clips of the new moves yesterday and they look amazing."

She showed me the videos and I grinned at how professional Lisa looked dancing but she was right. The dances looked great. "Have my manager show those to Teddy and ask if that would look cool. I want his opinion on it."

"Got it!" Rosé pulled out her phone and I went to serve Kuma some food and water. "I have to go meet with your MV set managers over your MV outfits. I'll be back by seven for the dinner."

"Love you!" I shouted to wifey as she left the apartment. I took a shower and dressed in my robe as I went to my office to check over my schedule next week. When I started filming my video I was so excited to learn it would be in London.

I made lunch as I started preparing the lasagna for dinner. The girls probably ate nothing but pizza on that campus, I wanted to make something new for them. I also had something special planned for Lisa when she came over.

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