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Jennie POV

"Thank you! Good work! Thank you everyone!" I bowed in thanks to all my staff that helped make this video happen. I went to the RV to change into normal clothes so I could relax before we headed back to Seoul.

Back to my Lisa.

"Oh my god, how are you NOT fingering yourself right now!"

I widened my eyes at how Rosé bursted into the RV, saying such a bold but random thing. I had no idea what she was talking about, until she showed me the video that Seoul University Dance Team tagged Lisa in on Instagram.

Do you have something to say
Cause the feelings in my mind cannot escape
Would you ever take me
Cause my heart is all I carry
The feelings in my mind I cannot explain

I widened my eyes at how Lisa's body practically flowed through the song. The dances and beat making it slightly sexual that had me ready to head to Seoul NOW.

She had such control over her movements that I couldn't believe she was this amazing at dancing and NOT making a career from it. If I thought she was sexy as fuck for this, I'm sure everyone else seeing the video does as well.

"Show me the comments."

"Uh why so you can hunt the students down?" Rosé snorted and I quickly took her phone, pressing on the comment section to see everyone making drooling emojis at MY Lisa.

KimMiee: Be jealous that I'm in her class😎

TranHoo: Hate that she's not straight.

MinnieeeJ: She just gave me her number so she BETTER be ready for that phone call soon😍🤤

"WHAT?!" I shouted as I saw that last comment. This wasn't a fan site! I clicked her bio and saw she and Lisa FOLLOWED each other and she's THAI so she probably really knows her.

And excuse me?! Giving girls her number?! I glared up at Rosé who inhaled sharply. "Get my manager to get the jet ready."

"You don't have one, unnie."

"BUY ONE!" I snarled as I tossed her my credit card, storming out of the RV so my driver could take me to my hotel. I went straight to packing and my manger texted me he found me a private jet that could leave whenever I wished so I had my manager and Rosé pack too.

I needed to get to Lisa NOW. She had some explaining to do and a punishment waiting for her if she really had those handcuffs.

To Lisa😍: I'll be in Seoul in 6 hours. Be at my home at 10pm.

Lisa POV

I stretched my arms above my head with a smile as that amazing burn from stretching happened. I never had classes Friday so when I say I had a lazy day, it was an amazing lazy day.

I was super excited Jennie was coming home today, but I knew she wouldn't land until 3am here. I checked my phone and saw I had a ton of Instagram notifications as I saw my Take Me video had been posted and I was getting a lot of comments and follow requests.

I grinned when I saw Minnie's comment, liking it before I noticed that Jennie had sent me a message.

Nini👅: I'll be in Seoul in 6 hours. Be at my home at 10pm.

I did a mental happy dance as I went to order some take out, but I froze in my movements when I saw Jisoo singing into a wooden spatula as she was cooking in the kitchen.

Eomma mari kkok majeuljjido molla
Neol bomyeon nae mami tteugeopge daraolla!

I grinned as I grabbed my phone, recording the talent I was witnessing. I didn't even remember the last time I heard Jisoo sing, probably when we drunkenly went to karaoke? But I definitely forgotten how good she was.

"ENCORE, Unnie! Kim Jisoo I'm your biggest fan!" I screamed and she jumped in fear.

"LALI I'M GOING TO STRANGLE YOU!" I screamed and ran as she chased me through the living room, which she tripped me, causing us to wrestle on the floor but I quickly won, since I'm stronger and have longer arms.

"Get off before I burn my food, dummy." I grinned at her, kissing her cheek before getting off her and helping her up.

"I want some!" I whined as I smelt the food. She nodded and I pulled out two plates for us. We had the meal and I frowned when I saw it was only 6pm, I still had four hours before I saw Nini.

"I'm going out with Joy to the club tonight, want to join?"

"What time?"

"Around 10?"

"Can't. Jennie's coming home. Oh! So would Rosé, you should invite her since they land around ten."

"True! I'm sure Rosé wants to relax after the stressful week."

"And I'll be at Nini's in case she comes over to unstress," I wiggled my eyebrows at Jisoo who grinned.

"I'd help her even if you WERE here."

"Unnie!" I covered my ears and she laughed, pointing her finger at me.

"Don't act like you and Jennie won't do the nasty tonight. But I will admit, you girls have way less sex than Rosé and I. Who knew how flexible long legs-"

"And thank you for the food but I'm going to go bury my head in my pillow." I got up and took my dish to the sink, rolling my eyes at the older girl who was laughing up a storm.

Or calling her fellow hyenas. Who knows.

I ruffled her hair playfully as I went to my room and saw I had a text from Minnie.

Minnie: Hey! My boyfriend and I are actually going to go sightseeing tomorrow. Want to join us? Though I'm sure you're use to Seoul already lol

To Minnie: What time tomorrow? Would you mind if I invited someone?

Minnie: Of course not! Please do so you're not thirdwheeling. Around 1pm so let me know so we can meet up or if you need a ride!

To Minnie: Kk, I'll be sure to text!

Minnie: 😘

I grinned at all the Thai texting, loving how I still was able to read and write Thai. I always was nervous that I'd forget it since I've been in Korea for so long, but my mom always talked to us in Thai and when we got a call from our grandparents.

I decided not to text Nini about the plans with Minnie since I'd be seeing her in a few hours anyways, I'd just bring it up then. I helped Jisoo get ready for the club and smiled at how cute she looked.

"Done." I clapped as I put my makeup pallete down and I widened my eyes when she touched my tattoo on my back. "I always forgot I have the turtle there."

"You never really explained it before. Did it have something to do with Jennie? Will you tell me now that you're fine."

"When Jennie and I went to our first date it was at the beach. We saw sea turtles hatching and Jennie said our fate was like sea turtles, new and ready to discover together. So when she left and I was drunk, I went to get a tattoo. It was a reminder that I actually loved her even though I tend to forget I got one done in the first place."

I looked at my phone and saw that it was 8pm. "Better get ready and head over to Ninis. Have fun but be safe!"

"Try not to get pregnant!"

"Funny bitch."

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