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Jennie POV

"Stay back."

"No pictures!"


I held Lisa to my side protectively as we made our way out of the airport and towards the cars, the others had left Melbourne a day before us so we can have privacy which was us just going on a date and spending the day cuddling, which I loved.

Normally Lisa would be the one to keep me protected in airports but ever since her accident, I feel like roles have been reversed with me. If she wasn't by my side, I would constantly make sure she was okay and not harmed by anything.

We thanked Benji as he held the door open for us and I could hear Lisa let out a sigh of relief. She gave me a soft smile and laid her head on my shoulder, hugging my arm to her as we started the way towards YG Entertainment.

We needed to discuss Lisa's case and getting me a new manager. I could tell Yang also wanted to meet Lisa himself to see the girl he says "saved my dance practice videos" since she's helped out.

I wasn't sharing her with the company, though. She can be my personal helper, but the idea of her being with other idols, no. She's mine.

I smiled at her plump lips and long eyelashes that swept her chubby cheeks. All mine. I kissed her head as she swiped through her phone to see all the pictures we took and I even handed her my phone so she can see the pictures I took there too.

"We're here." Benji said as we stopped in front of YG and Lisa got out behind me as we went inside. I led her to the elevator and frowned when I saw her practically shaking with nerves. "Babe there's nothing to be worried about. You're not in trouble."

"What if he deems me too boring to be with his idol and forces you to leave me? What if he threatens your career and-"

I pulled her to me, giving her the comforting hug to show her all the love I had for her. I was the idiot that left her the first time, I'd never let someone tell me to do it a second time.

"One, nothing about you is boring. Two, he can't force me and if he did break my contract, I sue his ass and move to another company. We'll be fine, baby."

She nodded and I smiled when I saw her less nervous now as the door opened. We walked towards the meeting room and we bowed to Yang and our attorneys.

"You must be the one and only, Lalisa Manoban." Yang smiled at Lisa who nodded. "Can I just say what a pleasure it is to finally meet such a talented individual. But I also do apologize for us meeting under the horrible circumstances. This is Jennie's private attorney and the company's attorney. The Park Brothers as they like to be called."

She said a soft hello and he continued. "He attempted murder. Not only that, he stole from the company and from Jennie. He risked her life allowing someone to slip into a VIP meeting that could have harmed her and that's never allowed. We just want to know what you want to go from here, case and public wise."

Lisa looked at me and I told her she was free to say what she wanted. "I know you're worried on what can happen with my career, but nothing negative will. This is all about you okay?"

She held onto my hand under the table and I rubbed the back of her palm with my thumb to comfort her. "It's bound to be known that I'm suing him and that Jennie's name will be mentioned. I do want to see him in jail, he tried killing me. If that can happen, that's all I ask. I don't plan on suing YG Entertainment either."

Yang nodded as the lawyers started writing down notes as Lisa told them what happened. We also handed them to the footage the bartender gave us of my old manager meeting with that bitch Nancy.

They discussed it more for a few more minutes and he turned to me. "We need to get you a manager. You expressed the idea of Park Chaeyoung but her being your stylist and producers sister, I can't allow anymore involvement. As for Lalisa, she's not adapted to the idol life, more so managing a successful one's career. No offense."

"None taken." She shrugged and I frowned.

"Any candidates?"

"A few. Here's their files, look each over carefully since I've made sure to do a complete background check and made sure they exceeded my standards. Now, onto the topic of your relationship with Lalisa."

We both tensed and he gave me the most stern expression that it brought me back to my first trainee days. Lisa gripped my hand tightly and I tried not to gulp loud.

Suddenly he started laughing and I glared at him.

"I'm sorry I had to." He chuckled as he smoothed out his shirt. "Nothing will change. You said no bodyguards for Lalisa so that's respected to me, but I do hope she understands that you'll be very busy and I expect to be helped with finding my girl group."

"Trying to dethrone me already?" I scoffed in mock offense. He rolled his eyes, making a gesture for us to follow him as he stood up. I laced our fingers as we walked towards the trainee dance rooms and I took a good look at all different ages of trainees and all the hard work some were clearly showing.

"Do you see that? None scream to this company yet. Some mastered the basic dance routine and look! It's being played on a screen and some take hours to perfect the moves."

"Easy." Lisa mumbled as we saw the tape and his eyes widened as he turned to her.

"Come again?"

"Oh," she gave a nervous smile, "I meant no offense. I just think that's a basic dance routine." He gave her a questioning look and I couldn't pass this opportunity. I grinned at him, now wanting to show her off.

"Want to see something cool? Search up any dance routine and let Lisa show you how quickly she can do it."

"Jennie!" Lisa hissed as she gave me a look. I could see the competitive look in his eyes and he nodded. We went inside and he ordered everyone to stop dancing to sit against the wall so he could pick the routine.

"Babe what the hell!" Lisa whined as she started to stretch. Thankfully she was wearing comfortable clothes and shoes to dance in. "I haven't danced in weeks! What if I suck?"

"I could slap you for even saying such a stupid thing." I smirked as she glared at me. "You'll do fine. Hey, I love you."

"I love you." She beamed at me as she gave me a quick peck.

"Ready?" Yang asked as he gestured to the big screen. Together we watched the song of Compass or Map and I grinned as Lisa kept focus of it.

"Got it." She nodded at him and I even was curious to see as I stood next to him to see her dance to it. Sure enough, she got it all right and I could see the wheels turning in his head and I widened my eyes as I realized that look.

He wanted her as a trainee.

And I think

The fuck not

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