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Lisa POV

"Come on there must be someone willing to go with you." I heard Ash say as she walked in, Joy on her side. "Why not ask Namjoon?"

"Isn't he gay?" Ash shook her head. "Then maybe, but I really don't want to go to the stupid concert YOU are dragging me to!"

"Lisa tell Joy that Shawn Mendes only comes ONCE in a blue moon to Seoul and we should take advantage of it!"

"Joy," I didn't look up from the book I was reading. "Shawn Mendes only comes once in a blue moon and you should take advantage of it."

"So much for the help," Joy whined as Ash clapped her hands, now pulling her to the room. I smiled at the silence, continuing on with my English book but yet again, I was interrupted by loud knocking on my door.

"ITS OPEN!" I shouted, not wanting to get up. Not a second later I was practically yanked up into arms as Jisoo's loud squeals rang my ears.



"OH MY GOD!" I threw my arms around her as we both started jumping. We did crazy happy dances as she pretended to twerk, waving the script in the air.


"ARTHDAL CHRONICLES PREPARE BITCHES!" I grinned at Jisoo, was pretending to cry now. "I'm just so so honored to be on NETFLIX!"

"I can't wait to see the episode and scream 'THATS MY UNNIE!' I'm so happy for you." She hugged me and demanded we go out to celebrate.

"I say we go to Tantrums and party it out!" Jisoo cheered and I nodded, it was still too early to get ready for the club but I figured we would fine something to do in the meantime.

My Aussie calling...

I grinned as I answered the call. "How may I be of service, Miss Park?"

"Normal people say 'hello', Lisa." She laughed, "but I actually was calling for a favor. Jennie is supposed to preform Yonce on JYP later this week. It's a cool short routine but we figured our best dancer could help her spice it up?"

"Oh okay, when?"

"Well we're at the studio at YG, we can send a car for you. If that's okay?"

"Can Jisoo come?"

"Of course! Bring her along, but the car should be there in about twenty minutes if that's fine."

"Perfect. See you soon."

"Bye, cutie." I heard her hiss in pain, "I mean Lisa."

End call..

"Well we're going to YG today." Jisoo nodded and I went to change into some sweatpants and a tee shirt. I packed a quick bag and we left to the front of the campus where the car would be.

I saw students looking at the car which has YG's logo on the side of it. I quickly got in the car with Jisoo as we left to the studio. We got there and were led straight in. Jisoo was showing me the script as we went up the elevator and I widened my eyes when the floor opened and we saw a teen girl crying her eyes out with a bunch of suitcases.

We got off the elevator awkwardly and went to the dance room. We watched as many people were dancing, people lined against the wall as though judging their performances.

"Lalisa?" I turned to see a stern looking man who didn't bother to smile at me. "Miss Kim will see you now. As for you Miss Kim, you are to be brought to Miss Park in the dressing room."

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