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Lisa POV

"Are you sure you can't come with?" I asked Jennie as I finished zipping up my last suitcase. "My family already said they won't mind."

"I wish," she pouted at me, "but Yang has been stricter with us now. Not to mention I still have my photo shoots. Also you deserve some family time, it's not every year you get to see Thailand."

"I'll be back in a few days." I went over to sit next to her, "Just try not to kill each other while I'm gone okay?"

"No promises." She mumbled into my neck as she hugged me to her. She gave me a long kiss but before it could deepen, my door flew open.

"Okay scissor buddies, mom says we better get going." Bam smirked as Jennie stuck her tongue at him. "Save it for Lisa. She looks like she needs to loosen up."

"I will drown you." I glared at him and he blew me a kiss before leaving downstairs. I sighed, frowning at how badly I wished Jennie would come, but she's been busy with her Pink Punk group lately.

"Last one." She pecked my lips and when I went to grab my suitcase, she quickly turned me around for another. "I'm gonna miss you."

"I'll miss you too. I'll be sure to bring you back stuff okay?" She nodded and helped me take my bags down. She gave everyone a hug, gave me a kiss, before leaving to her house next door.

"Everyone ready?" Mom said in Thai and we all cheered. We got to the airport and I widened my eyes when I saw cameras turning to us, my brother immediately pulling me to his side as dad guided us past all the cameras and flashes.

We made it through to our gate, but thankfully we didn't have to wait long to board. Time on the plane flew by from my nap and I woke up, smiling out the window when I saw Thailand. Bam nudged my shoulder and gestured to mom, who was crying into her hands.

I frowned, now tearing up as well from how badly my moms been homesick. We smiled when we saw our aunt pick us up from the airport, we would be staying at our family beach house for a few days.

We got to the beach house, our small family there and we were excited to know our grandparents were coming tomorrow for the day after breakfast.

I didn't bother unpacking since we'd only be here for four days, but I was so happy to see my cousin.

"Lisa before I go, yellow gold necklace or white gold?" I took a glance at her outfit, before pointing to the white gold.

I changed into my blue bikini, throwing a black slip on to cover up before walking down to head to the beach.

"Wait." I turned to my mom, who walked over to me before I left out the door. "I hate sand, will you join me at the pool instead?"

"Of course." I smiled at her as we went out to the back to enjoy the nice cold pool on the hot Thai day. "This feels nice."

"Yes it does." She handed me a cold Sprite as we relaxed on the pool steps. "I feel like I haven't seen you since you left for Australia. I've missed you."

"I'm really sorry, Mom." I frowned at her, looking down at the clear water. "Life's been pretty hectic lately."

"From what I've heard, the girls have joined Jennie's industry to become a group right?" I nodded, "Why did you refuse the offer?"

"It's more of a Plan B, option. I've worked so hard for college, I refuse to drop out when I'm only weeks from graduation. This opportunity-"

"Hardly ever comes for people." She cut me off, taking my hand into hers. "You're right, you deserve to graduate, but this opportunity won't always be there. But I also do want you to make decisions on what will make you the happiest."

"You have talent, sweetheart. Tons of it, but I'm not saying you have to be an idol. Ever since you were a baby, you had a microphone in hand and were dancing before you could even walk. But you also wanted to own a dance studio. I just want you to know, no matter what path you choose, I support you and am so proud of you."

I smiled at her, really needing those words from her. "Don't get me wrong, I could be happy both ways, but as long as I have Jennie in my life."

"You'll always have her in your life, but don't let her be the reason you make the choice that can change who you become. People look up to Jennie, whether it be a hundred or a million, someone out there looks up to that person. That's a huge burden."

"I don't know if I'll ever be good enough for that. I do want to audition, but... what if I get accepted and I'm not ready yet?"

"If not now then when?"

Her words confused me, but they held so much wisdom as well. What was holding me back? Was it the fact I'd probably be accused of only getting in from my girlfriend? I think no matter what success comes, hate is bound to follow.

I've heard Jennie cry a few times before from it. I've seen the way she acts like the comments and messages don't affect her, but when it's just us, she lets the tears fall.

It's very overwhelming that, if we ever got well known, that we would have insane amount of hate. I'd be the youngest with the girls, but I want to be the strongest for them.

"You okay?"

"Yeah I'm just thinking. Sorry." I smiled but she waved off the apology.

"I'm your mother, you can talk to me about anything okay? Now, allow me to give you some encouragement okay? Go inside, get on your laptop, and email YG."

"What would I tell them?"

"When do I start."

Jennie POV (the next day)

I fiddled with my thumbs nervously as I made my way to my boss's office. I knocked a few times, but the door swung open.

I expected to see an angry Yang, but instead his smile was so wide I thought he looked like the Korean IT.

"How did you manage to do it?!" He asked as he pulled me in, making sure the door was closed.

"I told Jisoo that the tanghulu needed water so we were able to fix th-"

"Not that!" He basically was jumping in excitement! "How did you manage to get Lisa to accept the Pink Punk offer?!"

"Accept HUH?!"

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