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Lisa POV

"Now can anyone tell me why the antibacterial hand soaps are actually bad for you?" Professor Lee said and I could feel my eyes closing, Jisoo next to me was trying her hardest too not to fall asleep.

"We can't afford to not pay attention," I whined as I tried seeing if I brought anything to snack on.

"Bitch speak for yourself. I'm fine with dropping to a C as long as I pass. Wake me up when class is over."

"No! No leaving me alone here." I looked around and saw that the students in the same row as us were on their phones so I knew my plan could work. "Okay on the count of three, we slap each other's wrists as hard as we can. Only 40 minutes left of class."

"Please shoot me." Jisoo whined but nodded. We counted down and on one, we slapped each other's wrist and I had to slap my hand over her mouth as she almost shouted. "LISA," she hissed in pain, "you have MAN hands!"

"It worked." I grinned as I grabbed my pen, continuing on with the notes. We made it through biology, our brains hurting from all the notes we had to memorize for our test.

"Why didn't we just take a week long trip to England with our ladies?" Jisoo pouted as we walked out of the class. "I must be a masochist if I love torturing myself."

"At least now you only have drama today while I have dance."

"You're right! I get to rub it in everyone's face that I made it to Netflix! See you later, roomie." Jisoo blew a kiss to me as I left towards the performing arts center.

"Professor Kim," I bowed to him as I made it into the dancing class. He ushered me over to his podium and showed me a dance routine.

"I thought of this slow sensual dance piece to the song Take Me, would you be interested?" I nodded as I looked it over, it looked really cool. "You girls normally choose your own pieces to preform for Friday's tests so I figured my prized possession should try this."

I felt my cheeks go pink and thanked him, promising him I would try for it. I sat down alone as he did a quick 30 minute lecture on the importance of footwork and rhythm. We ended class early with some exercises to try before dancing and he let us leave.

"Hey Lisa," I turned to see Somi walk over to me with a smile. "Haven't seen you around in a while. How have you been? How's Joy and Ash?"

"They're taking time to cope together. I was actually thinking of stopping by later if you want me to pass along a message?"

"Oh yes please. I actually have a written letter if you don't mind stopping by my dorm before? I've also been meaning to tell you, Irene's been kicked out of our dorm hall. Apparently she's been caught bullying a freshman."

"She needs to grow up." I frowned as I finished closing my bag. "I'm also really sorry if you think I'm ignoring you during classes. Life's been hectic."

"Dating a KPOP idol does that." She teased and I widened my eyes. "Oh please you guys trended that day she went live. You're just lucky no Jensetters found your Instagram."

"Better knock on wood!" I teasingly threatened as we started walking out of the arts center. "Well I'm gonna go grab food. I'll stop by your dorm in an hour-ish?"

Somi nodded and we left separate ways. I was walking towards the food truck when I heard my phone ringing. I grinned when I saw it was Nini.


Hey babe. I just woke up, thought I'd call before my day starts.

How's England? How's the shooting going?

Besides Rosé freaking out with every outfit flaw, amaaaazing. The staff is awesome, just the hour changes suck. How was classes?

Same old same old. Boring and makes me wanna drop out to strip.

You'd make big money with those moves on a pole. If that offers stand, can I hire you to be my personal stripper?

Depends on the pay and benefits. Do I get my own car? I grinned as she laughed hard, making me jealous I wasn't there to see it in person.

We'll see on how well you do at try outs. Only three more days so you better have some hot kinky sex waiting for me when I get back

Always. I'll have on your favorite set and a pair of handcuffs waiting for you at your place.

Tease. Okay babe well I have to go to staff breakfast before we shoot until night time.

Oh for the fair scene? You're gonna do great, Nini.

Thanks babe. I'll send you some pictures. Say hi to Unnie for me okay? Bye.

Bye We hung up and I paid for my food as I started the walk back to my dorm. I hummed to the Take Me song that was stuck in my head and I widened my eyes when I thought I saw a familiar face.


"PRANPRIYA!" I frowned at my Thai name, but smiled as she threw her arms around me in a tight hug, kissing my cheek. "I haven't seen you since you moved! How have you been?!"

"I've been good! I just didn't know you were attending here. When did that start?"

I didn't even notice how we slipped into our mother tongue until she complimented that my Thai was still the same.

"I'm actually not a student here. I'm visiting my boyfriend, Noah. He's attending here from studying abroad but he's Thai too, we met in high school actually."

"That's great! Do you know where he's at or do you need me to walk you?"

"If you could just tell me how to get to the soccer field I'd appreciate it. My Korean isn't as good as his or yours. Then again you've been here since you were like, 10."

Just keep going down between those two halls and you should see the fields. But hey! Give me your number so we can hang out before you leave."

She nodded as we exchanged numbers and she gave me a hug, promising me she would text me later. I smiled at how nice it was to see a childhood friend and started the walk to my dorm again.

I got inside and sat down on the couch to eat my food, deciding I would do my homework tonight since I didn't have early classes tomorrow. Not like I'd have Jennie to hang out with anyways too.

I heard a knock and went to open it, surprised to see Somi. "Sorry I was leaving campus for a movie and decided to just drop this off, if that's fine?"

"Thanks." I took the letter from her and she smiled at me for a few seconds, making me shift on my feet uncomfortably. I saw her stare at my lips and coughed awkwardly. "Somi?"

"Sorry! I know you're with Jennie, I just always adored your lips." I nodded with a blush, slightly weirded out by that confession. "Anyways I should go, bye Lisa."

"Jisoo," I heard her say with an attitude and smiled as Jisoo walked into the dorm, a sleepy look on her face. "Everything okay, unnie?"

"After a nap, everything will be." She yawned as she noticed the letter. "Somi sending love letters now? Ohhh I can't wait for Jennie to beat her ass."

"No it's for Ash and Joy, actually. I was headed there if you want to join? Though you look tired."

"Yeah I really am," Jisoo frowned and I gestured for her to go to bed. "Tell them I love them okay?"

"I will. Also Jennie says hi!"

"I know. She caught Rosé trying to have Facetime sex with me during drama. Really helped my...passion for acting you know?"

"And that... is why I'm running out of this dorm. BYE!" I booked it out the dorm before she could continue to traumatize me.

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